"night G."

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"woah woah woah." he responded, "take a breather."

"no, really, i mean it." i said on the verge of tears.

"think for a moment, do you really feel that's the truth, don't say it if you don't mean it."

"fred, i have said it now. the words have left my mouth and not thoughtlessly."

i hadn't thought about it.

"i'm not fred." he smirked.

my eyes met his. George.

"Y/N listen to me, you don't look convinced. what happened?"

"George, fuck. why didn't you tell me sooner. fuck fuck fuck."

i never mixed them up. rarely anyway.
im really not thinking straight.

George motioned his hand, signalling for me to sit next to him.

"Fred is out with everyone else, shopping. i stayed back because Gin isn't feeling too well, she's asleep upstairs." he calmly explained, "talk to me, what made you come back?"

"he doesn't appreciate how much effort it took for me to go back to him. Fred felt like the only person i wanted to spend tonight with. now i think i might not be in the right mind to be with either of them."

"Draco i'm guessing." he smiled, "he doesn't deserve you, he never did. Y/N, my brother on the other hand really, truely loves you, but, i don't think you love him."

"i do, i-" he cut me off.

"are you in love with him?"

i don't know.

am i?

my silence answered his question. not yes, not no.

"what about Draco?"

do i?

not yes, not no.

i love them both the same. im in a love triangle that feels like a circle, no end, no answers.

my silence confused him now.
my silnce confused me too.

"i kissed Blaise. to make him jealous. he took it too far and i just had to leave." i ignored his current question and answered a past one.

"did you love them ever, either of them?"

"it was clearer then, before Draco. my future with Fred was clear." i went off topic, my mind wandering, "then Draco came along, and destroyed my perfect plan, but Fred still stuck in my mind, throughout it all, but, so did Draco. there was no clear choice."

"okay, stay with me tonight, i won't tell anyone you're here and then we can sort it all out when you're ready. okay?" George suggested.
Draco Malfoy-
a knock.

someone at the door.


surely not.


"Draco, my good friend! How you doing?"

"you're here, why?"

"Y/N? she in?"

"why would you be here for Y/N."
my fists clenched at her name coming from his mouth.

he looked down, noticing my first by my side and smiled.

"i don't think you can beat me when you needed Weasley to help you last time."

"why are you here?" i impatiently responded.

"me and Y/N didn't really get to finish our evening together last time i saw her, did we? there were some interruptions."

ah yes, the party. the party he drugged my girlfriend at.
but she's not my girlfriend anymore, not my priority.

"ask Weasley." i scoffed before shutting the door in his face.

he can deal with it.
i managed to stay in George's room secretly for the rest of the evening until he and Fred came in just before they went to bed.
i saw, heard, it coming though and managed to swiftly hide underneath the bed where i found a rather stinky sock and book titled 'extraordinary potions that have never created before'. impressive.

"do you want to sneak out tonight?" Fred whispered.

"any other night but tonight Freddie, im exhausted."

"ah okay, charge your energy and we can go wild tomorrow. deal?"

"sure, goodnight."

"night G."


George shut the door and ducked down already knowing where i would be.
"come out love, the big scary ginger has left the room."

i smiled, asking for a hand out.

"you take the bed, ill take the floor." he suggested already putting cushions down for himself.

"no, no. get in with me idiot."

"Y/N, you sure?"

"of course im sure."

we both got ready for bed and got in beside eachother. i used his arm to rest my head and he nestled his chin in my hair.


a knock at the door woke us up in unison. it must have been early as me and George had silenced his room and set an alarm so we'd be awake before the others. it hadn't gone off yet.

George put his head out the door to see Molly tutting and hurrying down the stairs.

"ah Mrs Weasley, may i speak with Fred."


"do you have any idea what time it is."

"i do apologise, i tried to come at a reasonable hour. is Fred here?"

Fred threw a confused look at George and rushed towards the stairs.

"shit." he muttered under his breathe so only me and George could hear.

he knows.
short? yes. am i sorry? very.
im so sorry for not posting sooner or writing anything longer but i just had to get something out for now. i will start a new chapter asap and have it out soon. im probably the worst author ever lmao.

i love and appreciate you so so much omg<3

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