"protect her while you can."

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Fred entered JJ's view cautiously.
"Ah, Mr Fred Weasley, what a pleasure."

"JJ," Fred paused,
"mum, go back to bed, ill be up soon."

she listened and hurried back up the stairs, "let me know if you boys need anything."

"what can i do for you. here for revenge?"

"not quite, have you heard from Y/N recently?" he hummed.

"what does that have to do with you?"

"i want to talk to her, apologise even."

"im sure you do but she's not interested."

"i'd like to hear that from her mouth."

"i won't let you see her."

"ohh, is she here then?"
JJ shoved himself past Fred and entered the burrow looking around, almost inspecting everything in sight.

"i think it's time you leave." Fred stated.

"now i know she is here i'm not leaving."

"she isn't here JJ, she's with Draco."

"don't lie to me Weasley, he told me she was here. one of you is lying."

"she left here yesterday to go to see him, to fix some stuff." Fred explained, "did you storm into his house uninvited too?"

"i believed him. you on the other hand, i don't."

George looked back at me, knowing i was hearing this entire conversation. What does JJ want with me now?

Fred really doesn't know i'm here, so technically he isn't lying. I feel like i made a big mistake coming back, especially in the state i was in.

I debated going down to prevent anymore from being said but i knew then that would both shock Fred and make him look like a liar, so i didn't.

Instead i asked George to go down and get him to leave.

"didn't know you were having friends over now Freddie."

"i'm not, he's here for Y/N."

"Y/N? she's not even here. try the Malfoys."

"exactly what i said."

JJ tutted, "i'll be back, protect her while you can."

"protect her from what, you? what are you going to do big guy?" Fred taunted.

George snickered at his brothers comment and motioned his arm at the door, showing JJ the way out.

I sighed in relief when the door shut behind him.
"Freddie listen, don't freak out but Y/N is in my room. She didn't feel safe with Malfoy."

ah shit. why would he say that? why even bring it up, i was so close to having one drama free hour.
i instantly heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"y/n? y/n, why didn't you tell me you came back? what did he do? did he say something, hurt you?"

I didn't want him to know, just to avoid any complications, it was my fault i came back anyway. i was stupid for thinking i could get away with any of this without a plan. "no Freddie, i'm okay. i just don't think either of us were ready to see eachother yet. it wasn't the right time."

"why did you feel that you couldn't tell me?"

"i was just upset after i left the Malfoys, my head was fuzzy. i thought George was you and broke down, i didn't want there to be any more trouble than there already is."

He came closer to me & grabbed my arm, loosely making sure not to hurt me, but with force.
He took me to his room and shut the door behind us, maintaining eye contact.

"listen to me, i don't care if it's nothing to you, it's something to me. you have done nothing but love him and all you get in return is his selfish little ways, constant hurt and pain. merlin, and he bought JJ in to your life which is just an extra somebody that's constantly obsessing over you, in a bad way may i add. You're right to think he's not the one for you, i won't let him hurt you anymore. Did you leave anything at his that you need me to go and get?"

He always had a way of normalising my feelings, not making me feel small or complicated. I was constantly in awe of his natural caring nature. I'm certain he got that from his mother.
I knew Draco wasn't completely at fault for everything and i didn't want him to take the blame. He really is misunderstood, no one ever talks about the good, only the stuff worth gossiping about, the things that will spread round like Hagrids beard hairs.

in this singular moment i needed time alone. i decided to go back to Hogwarts, maybe it's for the best. All the shit going on in head right now, Draco, Fred, the fucking marriage, my fucking marriage. I don't ever get a break, even from my own mind, Fred might not show it but we all know im a big complicated mess. I need to do something to help myself and not cause others trouble. Spending the rest of break at school might be my best option at this moment, peace and quiet.

"Fred, i appreciate everything you do for me, i want you to know that. You're so incredible and i would be lost without you but this isn't what i need right now. What i need is to work out my own thinking. We both need a break, from me and the stuff that follows. if i have time then maybe i can be more honest with everyone instead of hurting them."

he looked me confused and shocked in the eye, "what are you saying?"

"I'm going back to Hogwarts."

"if that's what you want then i won't fight you on this but know you can always come back. don't rush to explain yourself, i get it." he hesitantly smiled, "but Y/N, know that something has happened, something i believe you deserve to know."

starting school again has been so so busy and tiring, i feel like i'm apologising all the time for being later and later which i hate. i'm so so sorry. if you've just started reading then heyyy, i'm a really shit author that has too many life problems to deal with. anyways, love you all. hope things are well! i'll try and be quicker next time😛

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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