"protective much"

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I didn't have the energy to fight with Malfoy, I was too heartbroken. I cheated on someone who would never have done the same to me.

"Y/N get up, we're leaving." Draco ordered.

"Oh please, what makes you think im going anywhere with you. Why did you tell him, especially now. I could have spoke to him myself but no, you had to have it your way. Why did you do it?" I was crying even harder now, my eyes were blurry, I was so exhausted. I just wanted to be at the Burrow with Fred, in his arms once again.

"You need to come home now, im not leaving you here. Atleast come back with me and ill leave you be until you're ready to talk."

"Im ready to talk now. I know what I did was horrible, worse than that, but i love him. I didn't mean to do it, I didn't mean to hurt him. I just want you to leave me alone, ill come back to the Manor in my own time, and only for my father."

Blaise came over and sat beside me, he placed my head onto his chest and allowed me to cry into him.

"Y/N love, what you did was something in the moment. Draco didn't even tell me, I promise you it'll all be okay. I am here, Draco is here, which i know may not be what you want right now but what I'm trying to say is you are not alone. I'll stay with you and Draco tonight-" Blaise was interrupted by Dracos disagreeing expression, "oh come on Draco, Y/N isn't okay, ill only stay with you until your parents come back, she needs me right now."

"Y/N is that what you want?" Draco questioned looking me dead in the eyes.

I nodded my head.
Fred Weasley-
My heart broke right then and there.
I did nothing but be a good boyfriend, i don't deserve this. Do i?
No, why am i questioning that, it was her. She did this to me, hurt me, kept secrets from me.

She fucked me last night knowing full well she had cheated. She fucked Malfoy the day before she fucked me. The night before.

I don't want to go home, not like this. I don't know what to tell everyone, George and Ginny  are some of her closest friends. All that was going to change because of Draco and her 'mistake'. My mistake was trusting her.

Did her father really ask her to stay there?
Was this the first time her and Malfoy slept together?
Who even is her father?
Once we got back to the Manor, Blaise took me upstairs and told me to wait in Dracos room until he got back.
Draco Malfoy-
Blaise came down and immediately dropped his 'nice guy' act.

"Draco, what has gotten into you. The poor girl has just broken up with someone she loves more than anything and you're just making it ten times harder for her."

"Dont put the blame on me mate, she wanted it. I didn't force her to do anything. Plus I would want to know if my girlfriend was with another guy."

"She's not with you Malfoy. She spent the night with you, there is no way she would ever want you."

"I don't want her either but neither of us have a choice."

"Wait what? Neither of you have a choice for what?"

Fuck he doesn't know.

"Draco mate, what do you mean?" He asked completely clueless.

"Right, I'll just tell you straight. Her father and my father have decided we are going to get married. She doesn't know yet, do not, I repeat do not tell her. That's why he sent her here for the holidays."

all mine / draco + fred x readerWhere stories live. Discover now