"big L"

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"well Y/N, what do you see in Draco here." James questioned.

"He's um, really good looking, funny and uhh."

"Wow Draco, looks like you've got her under your spell," James muttered sarcastically, "you can do so much better love." He added looking at me.

Draco had enough. "Both of you fuck off, I thought you guys would be somewhat supportive."

I felt bad for him, his first experience bringing a 'girlfriend' to meet his friends and they act like this. I grabbed his hand and put it on my waist while he used to other to squeeze my neck as he pulled me in for a kiss knowing what i was doing. After a few seconds of feeling their eyes fixed on me i pulled away. "Oh yeah, one other thing. He's a legend in bed." Draco smiled proudly and wrapped his arm around me reminding me of the night Fred did the same after I shouted at Malfoy. I didn't know what Draco was like in bed but it added to our lie i guess. I pulled Draco away before anything else could be said. We walked around the woodland until the sun went down.

"Yeah Draco?"

"Thankyou for going along with it earlier."

"It's okay, but you owe me one."

"Any requests?"

"A repeat of last night.' I knew it was wrong but i never got to fall asleep in someone's arms and it really made me feel something.

You didn't have to ask darling, that's a given."
My heart fluttered at his words, I couldn't believe what he did to me.
I hate to admit it but thoughts about ending things with Fred for Draco crossed my head.
I loved Fred and his family and our relationship but i craved something more.

The stars shone brightly surrounding the full moon that was directly above us. We lay in the tall, hay-like grass staring up. I moved over to Draco resting my head in his arm.

"Are you cold darling?"

"A little but im okay."

He sat up, pulling his deep, green hooded sweatshirt over his head leaving him with nothing but his black, shortsleeved t-shirt on. "Here princess, put this on. Get comfy, ill wake you up in abit."

"Aren't you going to be cold."

"I'll be fine, I'll cuddle into you."

I pulled his hoodie over me and settled back into the position i was in before. He used his other arm to pull me in, trapping me completely into his chest. It was perfect.
"Y/N darling, we slept here all night."

"Crap, your mother must be worried sick."

"It'll be fine. Not the first time ive done this."
Did he bring other girls here? Not that i cared, he wasn't my boyfriend, but it kind of meant something to me knowing that we did this together.

"you bring all your girlfriends here huh?" I spoke in a jokey tone, pretending it wouldn't hurt me if he did.

"No actually, i come here alone. Clearly not anymore though."

"So what makes me so special."

"Well it is Christmas and it's beautiful here, i wanted to share it with someone but i could never find someone worthy until you."

Draco Malfoy really had a soft spot for me.

"Fuck Draco, it's Christmas. I haven't even gotten you anything, or even owled Fred."

"Oh don't worry about me, having you here is enough of a present. Maybe we should head back darling we can sort all that later, you up for pancakes?"

"Of course Draco, always am."
Once we got back to the Manor we were greeted by Narcissa and, to our surprise, Lucius too.
"Ah hello Draco, hello Y/N. Lovely to see you, where have you two been?" Lucius was quite a frightening man but only to the people he disliked, he liked me, and for more than just being Voldemort's daughter.

"Hello Big L, me and Draco just went for a walk in the woods by the river."

Draco tried to keep in a laugh at the name i had called his father, me and Lucius were fairly 'close' because of all the time we spent together at meetings but me and Draco had never spoke before the arguments at school.

"I came home as soon as i heard of your arrival, your father told me in person that you were staying with us. He misses you very much."

"Did he mention coming to visit? He told me he would come and see me."

"Yes he did but he's fairly busy at the moment, ill talk to him about it as soon as i see him Y/N. I promise."

"Thankyou sir, Merry Christmas."

"To you too, Miss Riddle."

"I have a gift for you love," Narcissa said beaming at me, "Draco show Y/N to the living room while me and your father have a little chat, we won't be long."
Me and Draco entered the living room only to see the most breathtaking tree surrounded by a great deal of decorations spread all around the room.

"Merlin, this is incredible Draco. I have never seen anything like it."

"Mother does it every year with Dobby, it is rather pretty. I'm sort of used to it now though."

I never had a proper family so Christmas was like every other day, it was amazing to see beauty of it for the first time.

Narcissa and Lucius came into the room shortly after we did.

"Right, let's start shall we!"
Draco Malfoy-
I knew full well what my mother and father were talking about, us. Me and her. We told them it was real, i want it to be, so do they, but it isn't. I didn't know how to tell them, even my father seemed in less of a mood than usual which was rare. My father and Y/N's father had been talking about an arranged marriage, that's why they sent her here I'm guessing, without even telling me first,  which was crazy of course but me and Y/N were perfect for eachother. She is perfect. The only reason i know about it before Y/N is because her father is going to visit and my parents want me to do it then, i have to make her love me like i love her in only a matter of 20 more days. They probably thought that i had done this for the 'plan', you know, date her and all but that was all her. Eventhough it was fake.

How do i make our relationship real when she's with someone else?

Narcissa seemed very excited to give me my present, "Y/N love, this is for you. I hope you like it."

I thanked her for the gift before opening it, i was grateful for anything i received. "Oh thankyou so much, it's stunning. I can't believe you got this for me, it's truly beautiful."

It was a necklace with a fine, silver chain that sat just underneath my collar bone, it had a small emerald crystal that lay perfectly on my chest.

"I got you something too Y/N." Draco said smiling.
This isn't my favourite chapter but oh well. Sorry it took me longer than usual :)
To sum it all up Draco is going to propose when Voldemort comes to Malfoy Manor but in order to do that he has to make you fall in love with him, that also means breaking up with Fred. I hope you enjoyed even though it's not my best. Thankyou for reading this far, i won't keep you waiting as long for the next chapter hopefully <3

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