Coming out

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Thanksgiving break has started, I was in California with my dad brother and sister. And Heather was nice which was shocking discovery. Also my dad thinks I'm Straight. Yeah for me. I was actually having a good time with my family since my mom wasn't there to be a homewrecker and ruin everything like she did eight years ago. Ruining our entire family all because she was in love with some guy across the world. "Hey Dad" I said see my dad in the kitchen cooking Thanksgiving dinner. " hey, bug" my dad said. " oh my goodness" my dad said looking at his phone. " what is"? I asked very confused at the situation. " oh nothing, just my daughters boss who's coming over for Thanksgiving just texted me that her daughter came out as pansexual. Like I'm so tired of these people making up the sexualities they just want to be special. Like what the fuck is pansexual do you fuck pans" my dad said raging. " actually dad pansexual means they like people and not genders" I said in  shy voice, try not to make more mad. "Now Toni how do you know that, are you one of those little F slurs"? My dad asked me. "No!" I said I didn't want to say no but it was a reflex that's the only thing that could come out of my mouth. "Good now go get your siblings it's Time for dinner" He said. As I started to walk out of the kitchen and I heard the doorbell ring most likely indicating that my dad's boss and their family were here. As I walked back into the kitchen with my brother and sister standing on each side of me I was meet with a girl.

The girl had long brown hair and at the end of her hair the tips were blonde. She was wearing the beautiful red dress that went down to her knees and her knees and below recovered up with a black thin stocking. She had three piercings in her ear on both ears and had a best friend bracelet on her right wrist with a little butterfly tattoo on the other side of her wrist.  She also had braces that were silver and pink which complemented her lightly peeled complexion. I could tell she had a tan but it look like someone's trying to wash it off. " hello my name is Marlee" The brunette girl said holding her hand out for me to shake. " hey,  i'm Antoinnette" I said putting my hand in her hand and shaking it lightly. As I was about to turn around to face my dad a little girl who looked almost identical to Marlee came up behind me. " hey, do you have a potty." The little girl asked me. She had her hand on her private area and was swaying around in her little blue dress. " yes we do it's right down that hall and then you take a left" I said pointing to the entrance that takes you into the hallway. " sis come with me" the Little girl said calling out for someone. Then someone walked around Marlee, holding their hand out to a little girl. The girl looked much older than Marlee, she had her hair and a very neat bird but had a undercut. She was wearing a plaid checkered skirt with doc martens and a light blue spaghetti strap tank top.   She had two pieces of purple colored hair hanging out from her bun. " those are my sisters the little one is Amber, and the older one is Sophia" said Marlee. " so you're the middle child I'm assuming" I said trying to start a conversation. " yes, I see you have an older brother and a little sister I'm assuming" Marlee said. "Yes,  that little one with the pink dress is my sister Trinity and the older one up there is my brother Tyler." I said as we took a seat at the dining table once Amber and Sophia got back. " so who's ready to eat?"

My dad asked everyone. Amber raised her hand as high as her little hand could go but she was in kindergarten trying to ask a question. Everyone just chuckled as we gathered around our small dining table. There was also an older woman who seem to be Marlee Sophia and Amber's mom. She was a very tall lady who had very long hair but it was blonde and curly and was wearing a very tight dress that hugged all her curves in the right places. there was also a man, he wasn't as tall as the mom but he wasn't sure either. He was wearing a very nice suit with the bowtie and had his hair spiked up a little bit. Everyone was getting scoops of food and there was a light chatter coming from my dad and Sophia.

"So, which one of you is the one who fucks pans" my dad just blurted out. I literally almost choked on my Mac and cheese. " dad that's rude" Tyler said as everyone had went silent. " Boy! It is not rude, i'm not going to have some it's slow at my dinner table and me not knowing who they are" my dad said screaming at my brother. "Now, how would you feel if your daughter was a F slur." My brother is it screaming back at my dad my heart beat better faster and faster as my secret was about to be exposed it felt like. "Now, boy your sister is not a gay kiss bitch f" my dad yelled back at my brother as I wasn't ready for the conversation to take a spin on me. " Toni go ahead tell dad your little secret" my brother said.  As everyone's heads turned to me.  I didn't want to come out to a bunch of strangers especially not now I was going to wait at least until Christmas. "Ummm, well" I started. "Ummm" I said as my Voice begin to crack and  lump formed in my throat. As I was holding back tears. I swallowed  as I was beginning to speak. " umm dad, .... I am b-b-Bisexual" I said. As tears started rushing down my face like The waterfall. Everyone at the dinner table was silent.

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