The Date

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Saturday was here already. I got ready for my meeting with Heather. I didn't really want to call it a date. Since it was cold outside I put on a black and white striped longsleeve shirt. And blue wash down jeans with white vans as I was about to go Betty asked where I was going. Just going hang out with some friends. I said walking out the door. I walked down to the senior hallway and knocked on the door. Heather came out. With a turtleneck and bluejeans and a little purse top together with the black headband. You look nice today she told me with a smile. Thanks you look nice yourself. We walked out of the school and got into her Navy blue Jeep. I asked her where we were going. Starbucks she replied. My face lit up. Oh Starbucks. I said. Do you not like Starbucks she asked me keeping our eyes on the road. Oh no Starbucks is fine with me. I said grabbing my phone out of my purse. I rapidly started texting Toni and asked her if she was working. The message didn't deliver. Great she blocked me I thought in my head. Heather looked at me and back at the road. She put her hand on some buttons and then The radio start playing it was playing my chemical romance. I was tapping my foot along to the beat you like My Chemical Romance too she asked me. Yeah I love it. I replied to her question. Wow look at us we already have something in common.

I was taking this nice ladies order when I heard the door it was Cheryl and Heather walking in holding hands. I just ignored it and finish taking the order. Heather walked up to me and was Cheryl were standing behind her with her head down. Hey Toni, I didn't know you work here, Heather said to me. Yeah I work here. Can I take your order I said. Yes what do you want babe Heather said to Cheryl. Cheryl looked up at Heather in her eyes widen. She looked paler than normal. Umm a umm Black coffee. Cheryl said looking scared. As I was about to ask Heather what she wanted I saw her arms wrapped around Cheryl's waste. I was about to cry. He-ather Heather what would you like I asked with the lump in my throat trying to hold back tears. I'll have a chai latte and a cake pop. Will have that ready for you I said digging my nails into the palm of my hand.

We went to go sit down at a table by the window I pulled out Cheryl sit and then went on the other side of the table to sit down. So tell me a little bit about yourself. I asked intrigued to know everything about the redhead God is sitting in front of me. Well there's not really much to me I can come off as a bitch but I'm really not. I know you're not. You're actually a sweet girl and anyone who has eyes can see that. Cheryl started blushing. How many girls have you dated. I asked. Cheryl's Face started turning red but then she got interrupted by a guy with blond hair ocean blue eyes in a brown apron. Chai latte for heartbreaker and black coffee for Cheryl. I guess that's us I said laughing at what Toni put on the cup. Toni was always jealous of me. Her mom were shipped and praised me I always got everything Toni wish she had. Toni mom was basically my mom since my mom disowned me seven years ago. As we walked back to our seats I asked Cheryl a question. Why did you get in so many fights at your old school. I said eating my cake pop. Well everyone there was rude annoying or messy and they would pick on this one girl who was so sweet all she wanted to do was join the soccer team but everyone wanted to call her a slut and a whore. So I punched them in the face that was the first time I ever going to fight and I was in the Second grade. And from there I've just always been angry at people and then my mom died and I just got even more angry. You don't have to be angry with me I said touching Cheryl's hand.

They're touching hands now. Maybe she has moved on for me. I thought to myself wiping down a table. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked back into the back room and threw down the washcloth and yelled I'm taking a break. I walked outside started crying and had a panic attack. No one was there to call me down so my head was just over with feeling thoughts. Then Marco the boy who gave Heather andCheryl their drinks walked out to tell me that I had five more minutes on my break. Hey are you OK. He said sitting down on the concrete next to me.Hey look at me it's going to be OK whatever you're thinking about right now whatever is going to your head it's going to be OK I promise you. Just breathe. He said. I lifted in my head up and looked at him and started to catch my breath. Once I did he asked me what was wrong and why was I crying. Can you keep a secret. Yeah. Ok Cheryl and I were at talking about dating stage. And then she just literally breaks up with me in the middle of lunch. And then she moves on to Heather. It's like really annoying. Did you ever ask her why she broke up with you. Marco asked me. Every time I go around her she just walks away and I don't know why I said. Marco didn't know about Tony's mother because Marco went to Riverdale high. Well maybe you should try to get some alone time with her there could be a person stopping her from talking to you. He said. But we should really get back inside before anyone starts looking for us. He helped me up off the ground. And smacked the dirt off my butt not in a sexual way just a friendly way. We walked back into the building Cheryl and Heather already left. I never really talk to Marco before but it was nice.At the end of their shift we exchanged Snapchat and phone numbers. Michael didn't have a lot a friends at Riverdale high because everyone thought he was gay well he was but he wasn't ready to come out the closet yet. He offered to Drive me back to Stonewall. Ummm yeah sure. I said getting into the car and buckled up. Why don't you drive your like 17. I'm 16 and my mom doesn't think I'm ready for a car yet she says once I graduate top of my class then I can have a car. I told Marco. Your mom sounds like a huge bitch. He said. Well she is she's a pain in the ass. Don't tell my mom I cuss. I told Marco. It's OK you don't have to be so uptight I don't go to Stonewall and I don't know your mom.your right . I said. He pulled up into the school parking lot wow you have a really big school. Don't be deceived am I look big in innocent but their lies some big dark secrets in that's school. Well thank you for the drive I said getting my backpack. Also Toni I know this sounds weird because we just met but I am having my birthday party I was wondering if you could come. Yes I'll be there text me the details. Ok bye he said pulling off. Right when I walked into the building my mom was standing right there at the door. Who is that cute boy she asked me. Well that's my friend Marco from work and we're just friends I promise you. Also he's having a birthday party can I please go. I have to always beg my mom to go places if not it's most likely chance I won't go. Well have you finished your essay for next week. She asked me . Yes I have. you turn in all your assignments. And studied for your physics test. She said Yes mom. I said a little bit annoyed with her. Well we're going to do a practice quiz before you go to this party and you're gonna have to tell me where it is. But after the practice quiz you can go. She told me. Yay thank you mom love you I said kissing her cheek and then running up the stairs.

Hey gays and girls and the people who say they're straight. I know it's like really late but I am bored and my mom is making me stay up all night to do schoolwork. So why she's not around I wrote a another chapter. I hope you guys like Marco I actually based off of one of my best friends. And he will be seen more in the story so will Jason and Brett. But I hope you guys really enjoyed it also sorry this was a really about Heather and Cheryl I just kind of got off topic a little bit but I hope you guys don't mind hope you guys stay safe and stay corona free the virus and the drink❤️

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