The long car ride home

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Tony's POV

Today was the day that I was leaving. There was no more changing my mother's mind. My mother truly hated me for some reason if she really things that this is The best option for me. I know I've changed a lot in the past year. I thought that I always had to be perfect no matter what. Then this red headed goddess comes into my life and it goes completely out the window about being perfect. This is probably truly the worst day of my life. I just can't believe everything I've ever known behind. I've already done it once for my parents got a divorce and now I'm doing it again. There's nothing for me in California. My life is here in Riverdale and I want to stay here and spend the rest of my life with Cheryl but I can't because of my mother like always. Sometimes I wish that I had killed her when I had the chance. (Long story for some other day)

"Toni are you ready" my mom said standing at my door way of my now empty dorm room. I let a tear roll down my cheek as memories flooding back. All the crazy nights Donna and I spent staying up till 1 o'clock in the morning talking about our future and how we want it to be best friends forever. I took a deep breath in before saying "yes" and grabbing my last suitcase and rolling it out the door without saying a single word to my mother.

I walked down the steps and down the halls of basically my entire life. Looking at the steps in the hallways like they were the last time that I was ever going to see them like once I walked out of that door and got in that car it was like I was going to die. I gotten to the entry of the school. My mom right behind me with a proud look on her face like she was doing something good for me. I pushed open the big double doors that was the only thing between me and literally the end of my life. Or as my mom wants to say my new life. She disgust me. I drag my suitcase along with me as my mother had my others in her hand. I placed them in the back of the Uber my mom got me to take me to the airport. She doesn't even have the decency to take me to the airport! What is wrong with this woman. I was going to miss this life, but Innoway my mom is right I was going to be starting a new life. With all new friends and all new drama and relationships. And maybe this will be a good thing for me but right now I don't want to think that way I want to be mad at my mom because she sending me away from the love of my life.

The love of my life. I'm literally walking away from the love of my life. Another tear rolls down my cheek as I am filled with sadness and regret. "Are you ok,Toni" my asked me. I look at her. When she asked me that I wanted to hurt her so must. I hated her right now. All my emotions  about my mom i've been building up over I'll be here and I was sick and tired of letting her control my life.

"NO, I AM NOT FINE MOM!" I say letting tears escape my eyes. "YOU HAVE BEEN SO OK WITH MAKING MY LIFE TERRIBLE, EVERYTHING IS ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT! YOU HOLD THE FACT THAT YOUR MY MOTHER OVER MY HEAD ALL THE TIME. ITS LIKE YOU HATE ME! YOU HAVE ALL WAYS LOVED TREY MORE THAN ME!!! YOU HATED ME BEING BI! YOU PUSH ME AROUND ALL THE TIME. WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN TO ME!" I yell at her letting everything I have been bottling up since I was 11 out. The Woman who was driving  the Uber looked back at us through her review mirror.

My mom just stood there in complete silence with a shock look on her face. She's acting like this doesn't surprise her when she knows exactly what she does and she does it to spite me. "Toni- I -I" my mother starts to say. "Toni I love you so much, and I just always wanted you to be perfect because I didn't want you to end up making mistakes in life. I just wanted you to have everything you want in life but I went the wrong way about it." She said starting to cry a little. She never tried before ever not even at her own mothers funeral so I knew what she was saying was heartfelt. "I love you too mom" I said crying with her. Giving her a hug. Then we pulled away.

Then out of the corner of my eye I see Donna racing down the steps of Stonewall prep with Betty by her side. "Toni Wait" Donna calls out. I start smiling as I see them getting closer. Once they get close enough to me they start running at full speed and both of them jump in my arms all most  knocking me over.

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