Cheryl's birthday part 2 

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Hello, I am Trinity. I am Madison's swaggy bff. Madi got her phone taken, (pretends to be shocked) she is very bad! I am going to be taken over her  account for a little 😋. Also I am very dyslexi so if I spelled some stuff wrong just pretend it spelled right.

Toni's POV

I heard the door knob squeak indicating that somebody was opening the door it was either one of two people Cheryl or Betty. But whoever it was, was not going to be happy that I snuck into their dorm room. I was standing right next to Cheryl's bed and my first instinct was to hide. So I crouch down, and crawled under the bed.

Then the door opened, and I saw Cheryl's red and white polkadot flip-flops/shower shoes. From what I could see Cheryl had just gotten out the shower. But I knew I was right when I saw her drop her towel.

My heart rate starting to pick up an increase. My hands starting to get clammy. I can't feel my skin getting hot.

Then Cheryl's legs bent a little, and I close my eyes really tight. I knew she was bending down to pick up her towel that she had dropped a few moments ago. I also knew that she was naked so that meant that, her breast would be exposed.

The thought of seeing Cheryl's breast, just made my skin get more flustered. Then I heard some drawers open which probably meant that she was putting on clothes. Then as I slowly opened my eyes I saw Cheryl walking out of the room and what looked like to be sweatpants and she was wearing her Air Force ones. But I couldn't see her top from the view that I had. But as she got closer to the door I could see that she was wearing a light blue oversize T-shirt.

Once I heard the door close I waited a few seconds to make sure that she wasn't still standing at the door. I crawled from under the bed, and brushed my hair out of my face.
And dusted off my clothes as I stood in the middle of my girlfriend and my ex enemy's dorm room.

I walked over to the door and slowly pulled it open picking my head out of the door a little bit to see if the coast was clear. When I saw that it was clear I slowly placed one  foot out of the door and then another. And I tried to keep my cool as much as I could but once I got around the corner I raced to my dorm room.

Technically I did just commit a crime breaking in entering using somebody else's laptop and a bunch other crimes that I probably committed that I don't know the name of. But I've never committed a crime before.

                                                             Cheryl's birthday

It was the day of Cheryl's birthday it was a Saturday. But this was no ordinary Saturday, oh no. This was the day that could make or break my relationship with Cheryl. Because she'll probably be highly upset and furious but also confused at the same time of how I got her birthday present but also relieved and happy in someway.

Cheryl had gone through a lot this year, she found out that her mother was still alive she join the lacrosse team, she had a stocker, and she also got a girlfriend. That is a lot in take in with just being a sophomore in high school (which ever one is before you become a senior I don't know the term). And she was also turning 17 which is a really big number for her and I just want everything to be perfect. I thought to myself as I just laid in bed staring at the ceiling. Letting my thoughts take over my mind.

But they got interrupted when I heard a knock on the door. " come in" I said as I seat up in the bed. The door open to revealed my mother which was very surprising because she never comes in my dorm. " well good to see you up, I know today's a very special day for you but before you do anything you have to take a practice test for the ACT's.

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