(13) Holiday Cheer

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To all of you celebrating and to those who aren't, consider this our end of year present from us to you! :)

Title: Holiday Cheer
Request: X
Ship: X
Pronouns: They/Them
Summary: Things are getting set up for the holidays, since most of our favourite YouTubers listed here celebrate Christmas, there's a tree, and nontraditional but still fun, snowball fight!
•< Happy Holidays everyone! To those of you who celebrate Christmas, Yule, Hanukkah, Diwali, Kwanzaa, anything else, or if you don't celebrate, that's perfectly fine! Happy Holidays/Normal Great Day! :)
•< Most of the MCYT are either American or British, predominantly, so I'll be exampling Christmas, but happy holidays to anyone and everyone who celebrates different!
•< Uh...for plot, let's just say they all live in the same house together, and on the same continent...because uh-...plot...;-;
•< I'll be using everyone's screen names since I understand a few people don't like their real names being used!
•< Few words of cursing.


Y/n dragged in a tree all by themself, Wilbur got up to help them seeing their fight to get it through the door when it was very sturdy and didn't seem to appreciate being kidnapped from Mother Nature as much. "Thanks Will..." They sighed, he took it from them and called for everyone else to come down and help, Quackity brought down a box of ornaments from the attic, Tommy and Tubbo were probably digging around up there for more of them.

Y/n flopped down on the couch, exhausted from bringing it in all on their own. "Dang, didn't know that a small two and a fucking third of a meter (7 feet...I think?) tree would be so fricken heavy." They muttered but was prided in knowing that they could lug around nearly three meter tall tree around by themselves, taking off their jacket that was dusted with snow—which was just Earth Cocaine—and brushing it off to hang on the hook.

"Well, you didn't want anyone to come help you." Dream laughed as he opened the boxes to begin decorating the tree that was now safely secured inside the house thanks to Y/n's petty spiteful efforts. "I am strong fuck you, and I'm gonna fight you." They expelled while still melting into the couch after all that work, it was true, they refused any help but still managed to do all that being shorter than most of the others.

"Well then fight me!" Dream said, walking over to Y/n teasingly, they mocked a boxer pose and bopped him in the face with a light-hearted fist. "Are you challenging me?" Whether that was a JoJo reference remains to be seen, but then again, everything is a JoJo reference at this point. "Yeah, square up you short fucker." He laughed, Y/n was around ten centimetres over the national average but since Dream was a certified Tall Ass Bitch™, he did look down at them.

"Scuse me! I am not short, you're just a tall lanky idiot!" Y/n bopped him on the head, how they reached up there, no one may ever know, George tossed silver and gold tinsel on them to diffuse the situation and get them to help decorate. "Settle down, I know you guys want to fight each other, we have mistlefoe later. This tree ain't going to decorate itself you know."

Mistlefoe: Fight whoever is under the mistletoe

"How come y'all are so damn tall." Y/n muttered, taking the tinsel off and collecting it, they were in a household of tall people which was unfortunate, Sapnap took it and set it down on one of the unopened boxes as he reached for the lights to put on first. "Maybe, just maybe, just spitballing, just a guess here; cause you're just short." He laughed at their puny self, patting them on the head to show he was six centimeters taller, it wasn't by much, but it was enough.

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