(62) [HRMCRFT] Robo People Shenanigans

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Title: Robo People Shenanigans
Ship: X
Request: X
Pronouns: They/Them
Summary: Y/n manages to fix Grumbot and NPG, and the end result gives them quite the fun time as the two adjust to better bodies and coding, meanwhile the two are trying their best to adapt.
•< Ah, a wonderful family, two dad's and their two weird buggy children.

–—>> Taking a short break, hopefully you don't mind, and will be back with much more content once it's over.

•< Grumbot is a little spooked so he does have a few fearful moments be warned.

•< NPG is NPC Grian, he first showed up in build swaps at least that's what we can tell, he enjoys rustic houses and building rustic houses and judging rustic houses and-


        "We should probably send Y/n to fix these sorts of things..." Mumbo said, the two bots were barely functioning and neither acted remotely human, Grumbot was spouting papers that were enough to give someone an hour-long breakdown to question reality.

"I've submitted a request for them to try and get Grumbot a more mobile body for one thing and NPG a more human code." Grian explained after typing for maybe five minutes back and forth with them.

        "That sounds good, sorry you two, you're going to have to wait." Mumbo patted Grumbot who seemed to be being comforted, er, trying to be comforted while having an existential crisis and spewing papers, by NPG who explained details of rustic houses and how to build them. The two flew off and soon a new person dropped in to meet them, Y/n, at least that was what Mumbo had said, they didn't look dangerous as far as both could tell.

        "HELLO ARE YOU HERE TO FIX THINGS." NPG asked loudly as they arrived, gliding down and landing onto the ground smoothly with their elytra, they cringed a little at his unexpected loudness but nodded despite it.

"I'm here to try and give you two more...optimal conditions to exist with, and I mean no harm, don't worry." They assured both, NPG seeing that his friend beginning to spout worried thoughts written on paper, sat down first to let them begin tinkering around and hopefully fixing the two into better forms and code. He thought it might give his friend a little comfort of mind as long as he came out better.

        "Oh! You're quite old I see, no problem, I can make this work!" Y/n said and hooked up something to an area where Grian had once used to program NPG in the first place, now they would just be adding more refined human behaviors and speech in.

"GRIAN PROGRAMMED ME BEFORE. RUSTIC HOUSES ARE MY PURPOSE." He stated, unfortunately he'd yelled right in their ear, they cringed again and began typing in lines of code to make him speak a bit more fluently with more ranges and act like a human rather than his clunky robot form.

        Y/n began chatting with him about rustic houses while programming to hopefully make him feel distracted from their recoding while Grumbot watched, noticing how they made the process to NPG seem completely...neutralized. He kept talking and they would listen and respond while staying on the subject of rustic houses. It seemed genius to him that humans would sense emotions well enough to make someone feel at ease by just talking about a topic the other person could speak and relate about.

        And only half an hour later, they inputted the new code and he restarted as his system began processing the professionally done work now added into his system.

"Well...I reviewed my code and added a ton more topics for you to speak about, kept most everything the same...oh! And NPG should have some better adaptation to human behavior skills." Y/n explained to no one, except Grumbot was listening, he'd stopped spouting paper scribbled with terrifying thoughts, they seemed to know what they were doing and it gave him...comfort.

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