(19) Forbidden Omelettes

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Title: Forbidden Omelettes
Ship: X
Request: X
Pronouns: They/Them
Summary: The egg has done too much, Puffy and Y/n, now alone because it already corrupted Ant and Bad, are going to try and destroy it at its roots. But there's heavy consequences for it.
•< This version of Bad probably isn't accurate, I'm just making this up, I am a WRITER, so don't go trying to hate someone for it.
•< Cursing
•< This is a sort of sad one :p
•< Technical canon death
•< Pt.2? Cause...I kinda have an idea to make Y/n a ghost like Wilbur...


        "Oh god..." Y/n looked up at the tower, it had basically been consumed by the vines, "What did the egg do?..." Puffy looked up, quite possibly scared, horrified, or a combination of both.
        "Isn't it great?" Bad walked up to them without any concern over the egg vines latched onto the tower that was slowly going out of control, Y/n flinched back despite them having superior armor and weapons compared to him, was certainly more than uncomfortable experiencing the "New" Bad.
        "No! It's going to take over the whole server!" Puffy shouted, Bad had gone from red and black to white and black, it was like the egg was taking any red color from whoever was taking care of it. They had once tried, the three of them, to break the vines and cut it back to the egg. It worked for a while, Bad actually felt okay with breaking the vines and Y/n worked most of the time on keeping the vines away. That time felt so far away that the Andromeda Galaxy had that memory.
        "Why so sad, it's great." Bad looked up at the tower it clung onto, the tower was powerless against the egg vines, but it was still somewhat there and trying to cling on, "It's going to take this whole server over, everyone's going to be...like you..." Y/n didn't like how Bad had changed so drastically, they were good friends until this whole egg business had changed him like flipping a coin.
        "I'm...hurt..." He didn't sound genuine about it, it sounded so fake that apology videos on YouTube would look to it for an example for their recording scripts, "Besides, I see no problem with that." He said calmly, "Well I do!" Y/n shouted, Ant, or whatever decided to replace him, walked up to join Bad, "Calm the hell down. What can you do about it anyway?"
        "Fine. Puffy, you still have that trident?" Y/n quickly asked, Puffy whipped it out, aiming it at Bad and Ant, but Y/n grabbed theirs and flew away, Puffy followed, looking back to see Bad didn't follow them, neither did Ant, they just watched from where they were as the two flew off.
        Y/n stopped at a tree, "What's the plan?" Puffy asked as she landed next to them, Y/n tossed off their almost broken armor and replaced it with better, fully repaired, armor. "If they won't do anything about the egg, I will myself." They said, they had intentionally landed over here, there was a secret something they had dug a while ago in case they ever needed emergency access to the egg, that secret something was a tunnel that led to the cave where the egg was.
        "Are you sure? Bad and Ant might be there, and I've got no armor." Puffy said looking down at her weakened armor, the armor she had was weaker than Bad or Ants' most definitely, so she'd probably be dead within minutes of combat if she wasn't given any. Y/n tossed her a set of armor and weapons.
        After the two were well geared and well armed, Y/n leapt down the tree and over to the tunnel, placing torches as they went whenever it got too dark to see ahead, Puffy followed, occasionally looking back at the slowly disappearing hole of light of which they entered from, it shrank every step they took.
        "Found you." A voice said quietly from the entrance, barely audible, Bad loomed over the light shining behind them and shut them in with obsidian, leaving only the torches to provide light, "Y/n, I don't want to stress you out, but I think he found us!" Puffy shouted, Y/n looked back in horror and grabbed her, running down the hall without placing torches now that they were on a time crunch. If Bad knew where they were headed, they would need to be quick, so, they plunged the both of them into the darkness of the hallway, "Shit! We've got to hurry, he's figured out where we're trying to go, he's so attached to that egg I doubt he's going to let us go." They glanced back at the flickering torches before looking at the darkness ahead, then forged ahead without looking back.
        Puffy had to trust that Y/n knew this tunnel, they were in pitch black darkness, the walls had no color neither could they see each other, Y/n was the only one leading, if the tunnel remained true, they might be able to get to the egg before Bad could get there first, and most importantly, destroy it without a pointless fight.
        "Ahead." Y/n pointed to the opening of the cave, it was red from all the vines taking the space for its own, suffocating the place like it was to the tower earlier. They kept running ahead, when they burst out into light, Bad almost killed them immediately, striking with his sword.
        He must've been hiding... Y/n thought, letting go of Puffy for a moment before their arm got chopped off, equipping their shield and sword, blocked another hit, "Puffy, break the egg!" Y/n shouted as they struggled to fight both Bad and Ant now that the two had ganged up on them.
        Puffy got up and ran towards the egg with an axe, sharpened and ready to turn the egg into an omelette without hesitation. Ant blocked her, the two started fighting while Y/n was focused on Bad.
        Lucky for them, they had been affiliated with Technoblade for a while that they knew how to fight, so they dodged another strike and sent Bad off balance, Y/n tried to take a stab but he dodged at the very last second, "Why so upset about the egg, it's doing so much good." He grinned, stabbing where they once were.
        "A lot a good it did for me to take my friend." They parried another strike and started fighting both Ant and Bad at the same time, Puffy started running for the egg now that Ant was distracted, her axe in hand again. This time, Y/n would make sure that the egg would be destroyed.
        Ant tried to stop her from breaking the egg but Y/n just turned from Bad and began attacking him, so he couldn't risk trying to leave and fight Puffy when Y/n would just kill him in retribution, "Got you two right where I want you." They ducked, Bad nearly cut Ant while Ant nearly cut Bad. The two were preoccupied.
        "Puffy! Now!" They shouted, Puffy had navigated the vines enough to be able to get to the egg, then took a chop at it without any hesitation. Like cutting down a tree, took multiple swings to it, the shell broke and the vines seemed to scream underneath them. Puffy still didn't care, the egg had taken both of her friends and she was done with this bullshit.
        Bad stabbed them through the chest but Y/n still smiled and cheered her on, "Game over, you fucking egg." The vines slowly shriveled back into dry strands, turning into dust as it's source was destroyed, Bad and Ant? They returned back to normal just as they were before the whole egg shenanigan, Y/n however, wasn't normal, they had been stabbed and was dead by now.
        "Y/n, we did it!" Puffy cheered, but there was no response to her victory announcement, she looked back, confused, to see Bad and Ant in shock, Y/n was dead at their feet and by their hands, they still had a smile but it was clearly at an end, "What...?" She ran over.
        Y/n was most certainly dead, cold and unmoving, their lives were expended too far and this was their canon death, the worst way to go, being killed by their own friend which was controlled by a force they destroyed.
        Puffy had no words, Y/n's body disintegrated into ashes that rose into the sky, the egg was gone, but it would take someone with it no matter the cost. The stars seeped up the soul while the moon walked and lead them along carefully to the other side as Day rose in all its glory to shine on the restored world, which welcomed their soul as they walked with the stars and moon with open arms into gates of gold and clouds of white.

⟨⟨Or whatever you would like to believe happens when someone dies, anything is possible. :P ⟩⟩

        For weeks, Puffy, Bad, and Ant searched for a way to resurrect someone or at least give Y/n another chance to come back, Tommy explained that sometimes souls would come back if they had a good enough reason or had unfinished business in the physical world. The three were worried, Y/n's only goal at the time was to get rid of the egg no matter the cost, they'd achieved it, so why the reason to stay now that they finished the job?
        Their friend was gone, but at least the server didn't have the egg to worry about anymore, at least one thing would be checked off as a problem they didn't need to deal with along the constant wars.

If only Y/n would be here to see it

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