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During the next week up to her birthday Annabelle and Kaun did many things with there new family. Today was the first of the week Annabelle was going Christmas shopping with Taylor, while Kaun went shopping with Austin. Taylor and Anna went to the Queen street shops, while Austin and Kaun only went to a small mall near the house because they weren't going to be there forever.

Annabelle got dressed up in a cute black dress with a really cool back and Taylor wore a floral singlet tucked into pair of denim shorts.

They walked down to the bus station to get the bus across to the city. Once they were there they had a list of people to get presents for, they were just going to combine present giving, but they decided to making it something big or lots of little things.

On the list of people it had;

- Kaun (brother)
- Maria (adoptive mum/ aunt)
- David (adoptive dad/ uncle)
- Andrea (real mum)
- Scott (real dad)
- Gran (grandmother)
- Austin (brother)
- and Eachother, but they were going to do that on a different day (sisters)

They decided that first they would get Austin's. They thought hard together on what to get him and eventually they decided on getting him a toy and clothes, but first they would have to find a shop.

"I think that we should get him one set of formal clothes and one set of beach clothes" Taylor suggested.

"Well I know that perfect place to get beach clothes" Annabelle said leading the way.

"Where?" Taylor asked.

"City Beach, come on follow me" Annabelle replied.

Once the siblings got to city beach they went up the stair until they stopped the men's wear. Taylor and Anna had the same sense of style they both realised, they both liked the same things. After 20mins they picked out a perfect outfit, fit for the beach.

Some boardies (board shorts) that had a cool rainbow pattern on them and a singlet that was white with a navy back and pocket. They then went to a tuxedo place down that road and got him a black tux, formal shoes and and vest, Taylor was going to get a bow tie that had 1989 written across it.

They next went into toys r us to find Austin a remote controlled helicopter, which they found and it was pretty big and expensive..... But Taylor insisted, she didn't care how much it was, she said she had a full bank that she could use.

Since they were in toys r us they wanted to get Kaun something, so they looked around until Taylor decided that there was nothing in this shop for him. Then out of no where Taylor had a great idea, I don't know how she knew but Kaun had always wanted a musical instrument, he didn't care what. Taylor was willing to pay for a classical guitar, eclectic guitar, steal string acoustic (with a pick up), a twelve string, Archtop guitars, banjo (6 string), ukulele and a bass. Annabelle didn't know how Taylor was going to play for it all, even though she had a lot of money, but all for Kaun she insisted again, because she has missed 10 birthdays and 10 christmases.

Annabelle said "I think we should just do double ups for the parents, like my mum and dad, well Aunt and Uncle have been dying to go on a holiday for ages so I think we should organise a months holiday across Europe for them, that would be fun for them"

"Great idea, but we wouldn't be able to do it today it would take up too much time, tell me when you have a free day so we can organise it." Taylor responded.

"Okay let's do grandma" Annabelle suggests.

"Well I know gran loves tea and perfumes, actually she loves your perfumes taylor she has only had wonderstruck though, do you think we could get another one" Annabelle adds.

"Sure lets get the whole lot" Taylor says.

"How about we go into David Jones, because I want to get gran a whole tea set as well" Annabelle suggested.

"Okay, lead the way"

The two sisters walk around the block to David Jones, they went up one to the perfume, they quickly found all 5 perfumes, the ones they you could get lotions and bath gets as well.

At the counter the girl must have been a fan because she started freaking out and in the end Annabelle had to take a picture of them together and Taylor had to sign a piece of paper.

They walked up stairs to where the dinning sets were to get gran a tea set. They looked through all different tea sets until they found a perfect one, it had a tea pot, small spoons, sugar jar, milk jar, 4 cups and 4 saucers. They were white and in the middle there was a pretty painting of flowers.

Once that was payed for Taylor and Annabelle decided to buy Andrea and Scott a house here in Brisbane. Annabelle was still very shocked on how much money taylor was spending, she knew she was a heavy earner, but she didn't think that she would be able to pay for that much.

"Taylor are you sure that we should give this much you are using a lot of money" Annabelle said.

"I know, but I have the money, I make 53 million a year and I have been saving up for a couple years just incase something like this happens, and unexpected time when i need to use the money, I'm not one of those famous people who just goes buys anything they want, I wait until the right time"

"Okay, lucky we lay Buyed everything or else we wouldn't of been able to carry anything." Annabelle laughed.

"Yeah, I'll pick everything up on a day that every one is out and at night we can wrap up everything"

"I don't know why we just didn't get the people at the shops to wrap them" Annabelle groaned.

"Because I love wrapping, it's so fun, and it makes it more special because we have put more effort in to it" Taylor explained.

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