203 8 1

18th December 2014

"Hey Annabelle, Annabelle, ANNABELLE" Annabelle hear someone say awaking her from her peaceful sleep.

"WHAT" she yelled, not opening up her eyes.

"I have a surprise for you today, like an early birthday present" Annabelle heard a voice say, not yet able to work out who it's was.

"Who is it?" She ask.

"TAYLOR" she screamed, whoa she can be a morning person sometimes. Annabelle was also a morning person, but just not this particular morning. She start to go to sleep again. Until she felt someone dragging her out of bed. Screaming, she was, as she was stripped of her bed sheets.

"Get off me" she said.

"Just quickly get out of bed before 8, it is now 7:45, we are going somewhere." Taylor chuckled.

"Well you have already woken me up, loud and clear" Annabelle said.

"Well then, quickly have a shower and we are going out" she said slapping Annabelle's bum, showing her to hurry.

Annabelle walked out of her room and to the main bathroom, which was down stairs on the other side of the house, because hers and Kaun's was already occupied. Meaning she had to pass her family.

"What was the ruckus?" They all asked, as she passed them.

"Taylor, woke me up and told me I had to get ready, but I didn't want to." Annabelle informed them.

"Okay, just making sure you two didn't kill Each Other" Andrea joked.

Well I'm having a shower now, see you soon" she said walking in the direction of the bathroom.


Once she got into the bathroom, she turned the shower on, got undressed and hoped in.

She jumped up and squealed the girliest squeal she had ever done before, the water was freezing, she hadn't let it run for long enough. When she jumped she slipped on the water and fell over making her bang her head on the sink, resulting in a huge thud and a crying Annabelle.

"You okay in there" Austin asked.

"No" Annabelle cried.

"I'm coming in" Austin told her.

"Just let me get a towel on first" she said, grabbing a towel and putting it around her body.

"Okay come in" she said, standing up.

Austin burst through the door.

"Are you -" he stopped.

"What? What is it?" Annabelle asked.

"You've got blood running down your face, and what appears to be a spilt head" Austin said.

"That's why my head hurts, I thought that it was just a inside pain" she spoke.

"We need to get you to the hospital" Austin said

"Okay well, I'm going too put some clothes on" she say awkwardly.

"O-okay" he stuttered.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright" he asked.

"Fine" she said.

"Okay" he said, leaving the room.

She removed her towel and hoped in the shower again, which was still on, cleaning the blood off her face which kept on coming.

She hoped out carefully and got changed into a lorna Jane shirt and shorts with some thongs (what Australians call flip flops). She looked in the mirror about to brush her hair. To see a nasty gash on the left side of her face just above her eyebrow. With the blood running down her face someone it drying up.

She decided to just put her hair up in a messy bun and she walked out. Austin still at the door.

"Annabelle we need to get you to the hospital, now" Austin said.

"Okay" she said, she wasn't one of those people who hate the hospital, if they make you better why wouldn't you want to go there, and her head was in a pretty bad way.


At the hospital Annabelle was put into a separate room with her legal guardians, her Aunt and Uncle, while Taylor, Austin, Kaun, Scott and Andrea waited outside.

"Hi I'm Doctor Fredric Plane, you must be Annabelle" he says looking down at the board, Annabelle just nodded.

"Can you please tell me what happened?" He asked.

Annabelle told him the story of how she banged her head. Him nodding the whole time.

"Now I'm just going to do a few checked on your pulse and blood pressure. It appears that you are going to have you get stitches in your head as well"

After getting all the checks on my health he asked a few more questions and said that it would be unlikely to have brain damage from hitting that area.

"We will need to move you into a new room that has the right equipment. Follow me" he said getting out of the chair and walking out the door implying that we go with him.


Thank you guys so much for 1.1k thanks heaps 😚

Stay beautiful <3

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