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Today Annabelle decided that she needed to take a break from everything. She was having fun with her new family but she needed a break. They lived near the river, so on this day she went down along the river and went for a walk. It was the early morning and the warm morning Australian sun shine on her tanned shoulders.

She looked up at the sun and snuffed the smell of grass, she heard cars passing, people taking, the wind howling. The sun went under the dark clouds that had just appeared in the distance. She walked along until she found her secret hide out, only she knew where it was. She sat down and thought about how much her life was impacted by knowing her real identity. She had lived her whole life a lie. She called her aunt and uncle, mum and dad, her ideal ended up being her sister. She just had to take in so much.

But what will happen after? What was going to happen after? When taylor, Austin and her parents leave, will Kaun and her go too? Or would they stay with there Aunt and Uncle? What if they go, would they be sad or incomplete? Would she miss them? Would they miss her? What if they stayed, would they ever see Taylor again?

All of these questions were swarming her head. She only hoped that someone would just take her away from all of the stress on her shoulders bree weight that was only just bearing.

She deadly loved her Aunt and Uncle but she felt as if this was a good opportunity to go somewhere with her life. Make a change for good.

She left her secret hide out and walked to her dance studio a kilometre away. The old dance studio was always left open, just in case someone needed to practice for just dance.

Annabelle stretched and them dance around the studio in a ballet routine. The day was so peaceful now, after she danced her stress away, she only wished that it could stay this way.

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