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17th December 2014

After breakfast she got changed into some black high waisted shorts, and a white shirt with guitars drawn all over it. Although she was nervous about it, for whatever reasons she had she still wanted to know more about her father and what he was like by himself.

As she walked out to join her dad she saw that Andrea was all dressed ready to go somewhere as well.

"Where are you going today?" Annabelle asked.

"I'm going to come with you" Andrea told her, nervously.

"Okay" this kind off made annabelle feel a bit better about today, that she was going to be alone with her father. He still scared her, for no reason, she had no reason to be scared of her own dad.

They got in the car and drove to the museums and science centre. Once they were there the first thing they had to do was wait in a line fire tickets which kinda put Annabelle off the whole thing. But once they were in she was all set cause she could see all of the cool Australian history, even though she had been many times before she still loved it and something always changed each time she was there.


The museum was finished, Annabelle had to explain a lot other foreign parents about our culture and about what layer on our landed before us, about the dream time. The dinosaurs were so cool, they had life versions of them in the room, that were making sounds and fake eating. It was a little scary and Annabelle saw some kids cry and run out because of how scared they were.

Now they were at the science centre. Now the science centre was one of the coolest places she had ever been in. She was able to test herself and do so much amazing things. Her favourite was probably fruit bowl, where you go behind a door and you pop your head out, and to the outsiders it looks like your heads on a fruit bowl.

She also liked the ball that had the electricity going around it and you put you hand on it and the electricity goes to your finger.

It was such a good day with her parents, she was actually really glad her mum came, because it took off her worry and it wouldn't have been fun with out her.

Also sometimes she would look over to Scott and her would be giving weird glances her, that made her feel uncomfortable.

On the way home blank space came on and everyone of the car was screaming the lyrics. It was quiet fun, straight after night changes came on and only Annabelle knew the words, but she screamed them anyway.

Maybe she didn't have to worry about today after all.

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