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23rd of December
(Annabelle's birthday!)

Annabelle woke up bright and early this very day not even remembering that it was her birthday. she got up and had some breakfast like usual and went to watch some TV in the upstairs lounge room. But she kept on hearing bangs from down stairs and murmurs, but she didn't think anything of it.

Once the TV show was finished she went into the bathroom and had a shower trying not to bang her head this time. She had about a ten minute shower because she was shaving her legs and washing her hair and doing all of that girl stuff, and was being quiet the shower head, singing 'spaces' by one direction.

She hoped into some lorna Jane shorts and a lorna Jane singlet, with some thongs.

(Lorna Jane is a girls sport wear shop, thongs are flip flops)

She went into her bedroom and got her hair brush and tired her hair up into a high pony tail with a white ribbon, she knew that her wet straight hair wasn't going to last soon and she would be stuck with her puffy and madly curly hair, so she liked to do it while it was still wet so she could actually get a brush through it. She always wondered how Taylor manage to get her hair into those perfect curls when she was younger because she was guessing that her hair was similar to Taylor's.

She decided to go into the music room to play a bit on music because she could play the piano and guitar a bit Taylor had been teaching her.

She here Maria calling her from down stairs, so she walked down into the downstairs kitchen. But no one was there, she went into her mum and dads bedroom but no one was there, her last guess was the downstairs lounge room. When she walked into the lounge room and huge happy birthday was yelled by the many inside. Then it can be to her today was her 15th birthday.

She scanned the room to see who was here. She said the swift family and her adoptive family, Gran, Ed, some people she didn't know, her dancing and school friends, her ex boyfriend, wait he is here, she'll work that out later (re read chapter 17, it would make the story have much more sense, it is different now, because I can't remember what I wrote about in the chapter before wattpad deleted it, ps. only if you read chapter 17 before the 12th of April 2015), more people she didn't know and there were 5 boys who's back was turned to her so she couldn't see who they were.

Anna went over to her Maria and asked her who those people were. It turned out the people were her cousins and aunties. But she claimed she didn't know who the boys were who still had there back turned. Annabelle made her way through the people thanking them for coming. When she got to her friends from school and dancing she hugged them tightly for she hadn't seen them since the day she went out by herself.

Then she got to her ex boyfriend Luke, he looked at her sadly,

"What are you doing here?" Annabelle asked him kind off rudely.

"Um, well you family invited me, you didn't tell them did you?" He questioned.

"No, I wanted to keep it to myself not ruin the perfect holiday I was having with my new family" she answered.

"Okay, I understand, I didn't give you a reason over text it would be too hard to explain" he said.

"Okay well you can explain later, I have to continue thanking people" Anna said, walking to what her adoptive mum said where some more cousins, uncles and aunties. she introduced herself to them, them back, she was pretty bad at names so she would try to remember them later.

She went to the mysterious group of 5 in the corner,

"Hello" she spoke.

They turned around, Anna thought that she had gone to the end extent of being surprised, but no there is more, standing in front of her was the 5 boys from one direction.

"Hey love"

"Hey babe"

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Annabelle happy birthday to you"

"Whoa taylor and you look so much alike"

"Happy birthday"

Annabelle tried not to let her fan girl let go, she was trying not to scream in there faces.

"Um, hi guys, what are you doing here"

"Ed invited us" Harry said simply.

"OMG!" She said running over to Ed.

"Ed I was joking but thank you so so so so so so so so so so so much, I love you" Annabelle said hugging him.

"That's alright love" Ed told her.


Guys I have to re write chapter 17 because silly wattpad deleted it. It has some more information information on it, so go re read it if you haven't already read the updated version

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