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The party was drawing to a close her friends were leaving now and her cousins, aunts and uncles were starting to go back home to there hotels, for they would be celebrating Christmas and New Years with the Mackenzie's and Swift's.

Annabelle has an Auntie Jasmine and Uncle Rob with her 2 children Thomas, 23 and Lena, 30.

The other cousins, Aunt and Uncle are; Auntie Sarah and Uncle Mike with here daughter Haley, 16 and son Nathan, 18.

Luke was about to go but he came up to Annabelle and told her to come with him, he led her out to her garden and he started explaining.

"Well the day before I broke up with you I went to his party at one of my friends house from surf, when we got there there was alcohol and lots of it. My friend gave me a drink which I thought was just normal coke so I drank some it wasn't just coke it had rum in it and he forced me to drink it all." Luke practically sobbing.

"After that I was a little tipsy and my friend told me that if I did not make out with this girl then he would kill me, and he wasn't joking, his face was dead serious and he had knife in his hand.

"I begged him no and he forced me to drink more and more until I would do anything he would say, I ended up kissing the girl trust me I felt nothing and then he told me to do more and more things with her and I was scared for my life and drunk" Luke was balling his eyes out.

"I lost my virginity to a girl who's name I can't even remember, I felt so guilty and felt like a really bad boyfriend, so I decided that it was the best for you because if I am stupid enough to do that, I don't deserve you. I love you but I don't deserve you" He told Anna.

Anna's heart shattered into tiny little pieces, not for her but for him. She felt so selfish thinking that he just broke up her because he thought she was a piece of trash but no he felt guilty for betraying her, not even betraying his life was at risk, his drink was spiked.

Luke started to walk away, them both in tears. Annabelle wiped hers away running by his side. Grabbing his hand and spinning him around and kissed him on the lips. He pulled away with in a matter of seconds.

"No Annabelle, I betrayed you, I don't deserve you"

"Luke, get your head right, your life was in danger, I know you wouldn't of done it if your life wasn't in danger and you had so much alcohol, no poison, rushing through your body, yet you felt guilty, Luke, I'm the one who doesn't deserve you"

And with that they both knew that what they had together wasn't over, it was only just beginning. They hugged, Annabelle's head snuggling into the crook of his neck. While he rubbed her back up and down. Luke's chin resting on the top of her head. They stayed in this position for a while. Both still crying.

Once they parted there was wet patch on Luke's shirt from where Annabelle had cried onto.

They walk to the door and open up together walking in only to be wet with some sticky slim?

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