Chapter 34

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The scenery around us went blank, and a most handsome dark-haired being with beautiful snowy wings and a strapping smile appeared before us. He reminded me of someone, I just couldn't put my finger on it. All I knew was that I instantly loved him. It seemed since uniting with Samuel I just loved everyone. I gave Samuel a sideway glance just in time to watch him roll his eyes. What he was feeling wasn't jealousy per se, but something bordering on it.

"Sara" he said bowing before me, his bright smile almost blinding. "Everyone else..."

"Rude son of a bitch" Samuel muttered. I turned to give him a disbelieving look, and for the second time in as few moments I saw him roll his eyes at Rafael dismissively.

I followed my disbelieving look with a troubled one that managed to demand an explanation.

"Later..." he mumbled. I turned to look at Apollo and was surprised by the amusement on his face. He was clearly enjoying himself.

"May the light be with all of you present and idle." Raphael began, with his unwavering smile. "I am the archangel Rafael, in case you haven't remembered dear Sara. Let us begin from the beginning. If I were to make the story short, I would just tell you that the human race is on its way to hell in a hand basket. However, I have been requested to elaborate and so I will.

The scenery changed once again into a landscape that looked and somehow felt completely inhospitable.

"Many, many, many years ago, we're talking in the thousands here, Terra had many volcanoes and the atmosphere was full of ammonia so the planet had to be changed for life to begin" continued Rafael.

The scenery continued to change illustrating the information he shared.

"The planet had to be changed for life to begin. It all started with plants of course because contrary to what humanity seems to believe in present time, animals need plants to survive. ALL animals, yes including you" he turned to wink at me. "Ecosystems are very precarious little things and must be diligently cared for and undisturbed, but I digress, we will get to that in due time.

"Anywho, Councils throughout the Universe, such as the one which graces us with their presence, make the rules and regulations, if you will, for creating life. Yes, life doesn't come about by accident, it is too complex to even entertain the thought. Contrary to what a large percentage of humanity believes, life on Earth was carefully thought out. Or so we would like to believe around these corners of the Universe" Rafael's smile morphed into a sarcastic grin and he turned to look around the room. He was rewarded with some chuckles and a few grunts of disapproval. "But that is neither here nor there. There are Councils over the solar system, others over the galaxy, and others over the Universe. It is a very ordered system, I must say. These higher beings travel the Universe in search of planets that are ready to sustain life.

"When a planet reaches this phase in its evolution, it is very significant for the planet, since it is given its Life Charter at that point. Different groups of higher beings are then sent to the planet to begin life..."

"I was under the impression that God created life" I interrupted.

"Precisely" answered Rafael without elaborating further. This was going to get old very quickly. Suddenly he sent through me the understanding that what I know as God, a very limited version at that, is truly All That IS. All. That. Is.

"Oh" I mouthed.

"Anywho, once they have seeded the planet with single-celled organisms that then divided into multi-celled organisms and so on, these Higher Beings, whom we'll call the artist for efficiency's sake, go back to check on the progress life is making. Sometimes when they go back they find life didn't survive. You have no idea how fragile life is" Rafael continued.

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