Chapter 10

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The gate opened to the most beautiful courtyard. There were lush gardens surrounding a circular slate of what I could only guess was marble, or at least it looked like it.

"What is that?" I whispered, pointing at a geometric shape encrusted on the slate.

"The Flower of Life" he said not giving it a second glance. I could have spent a lifetime admiring the beauty of this courtyard, but it seemed Samuel was in a hurry to turn my ass in and get rid of me at the earliest opportunity. To tell the truth, I was a little anxious to get this over with as well. Not knowing what a bunch of old bastards wanted with me was driving me insane.

We arrived at yet another door, this one was made of fine wood and beautifully engraved with more geometric symbols. I wondered why the doors here didn't vanish like they did at Samuel's cave.

"The Elders prefer it this way. Wait here" he said.

"Quit reading my mind" I demanded, but he had already disappeared through the door.

As soon as Samuel left my side the nerves took over me. I was so consumed by anxiety that I didn't even notice when the door opened again.

"Greetings dearest one. May the Light shine always bright in your heart. You may come, the Elders await you" said ceremoniously a young-looking man. He was wearing a green robe similar to mine, but longer. It was a couple of inches above his ankles. His vestment revealed he had a most admirable physique, and I was beginning to think everything was perfectly beautiful in this plane.

"As it is everywhere in the Universe, beauty is a matter of perspective dearest" he said opening the door and motioning me to follow.

"What the heck! You can read my mind too?" I asked dumbfounded.

"I apologize. I truly did not mean to be rude, it is only you think so loudly" young hot dude said looking contrite.

He motioned me to follow him, and I did with no little apprehension. I had to concentrate on applying the blocks Amelia had taught me

"What does that even mean?" I asked, but it seemed we had arrived at our destination.

Whatever fantasies I had conceived in my mind, couldn't have been further from what appeared before me. The round room was filled with light coming from a fountain in the middle of the room. The substance emanating from it seemed to be like a dimmed liquid sun, giving life to the vegetation growing around the room.

Surrounding the fountain at a distance were the thirteen most beautiful beings I had ever set eyes on, aside from Samuel and Amelia of course. They were sitting on throne-like chairs, masterfully ornamented with more of those geometric figures. Some of the beings were male and some were female of undetermined age. They all looked like young humans with luminescent skin, but the wisdom in their eyes made them seem timeless. They all had stern expressions on their faces though that made me very nervous. Samuel was standing off to the side away from me, as if he didn't want to be associated with me.

"Kinky old bastards was it?" said a man sitting to my right. His hair was straight and jet black and he had the most extraordinary blue eyes.

I turned to look at Samuel with condemnation in my eyes. How could he sell me out like this? He didn't even bother looking at me, but I could see he was trying to hide a smile. That son of a bitch!

"Would you stop teasing our guest Walesio? Welcome dearest Sara. May the Light shine always brightest in your heart. My name is Xamia, and I am the head of our Council" said a beautiful woman sitting at the center of the semicircle their chairs formed. Samuel ungracefully snorted at this. What the hell was his problem?

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