Chapter 25

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"Now get dressed and make haste of it. They are waiting for us" Amelia walked out of the room before I could get a word out. Me, master? She was confused. I am Sara, a cop making enough money to make ends meet even though my father had been a millionaire before he died and my brother owned a small yet very successful tech company. A cop! With serious issues at that. She had to be confusing me with someone else. Was Samuel confusing me too? Godammit! More fucking questions. Why did it all have to be so complicated with these people?

Taking form in bodies like one would costumes, and changing personalities... What kind of shit is this? I thought as I pulled the black pants up under my dress. I grabbed a pair of black boots that looked to be about my size, since I doubted they would have US sizes printed on them, and pulled them over the fitted pants. Bingo! Perfect fit. I undid the ties of the dress, shrugged it off and put the blue jacket on grateful the boobs of my new body had not fallen victims of gravity yet.

I was even more grateful for the absence of the scars on my abdomen. They had been a constant bitter reminder of the cruelty of humans were capable of. Pushing all thoughts of my past aside, I focused on the present. I had enough to deal with right now. Adding shit from my past was only going to make my brain short circuit.

Looking around to see if I could spot something to tie my hair back with, I buckled the belt around my waist to keep the jacket in place. My hair would just have to stay the mess of light brown curls, courtesy of my mother's genes. Would it have killed Rogov to mess with my DNA to give me wavy silky strands like the ones I enjoyed in Rosaline's body? Ugh...

Wild hair and all, I still felt much better than I had with that silly dress. Who's ever idea it had been to get me those dresses, clearly had no clue who I was.

Amelia was impatiently waiting for me in the corridor already making to go as soon as she saw me. I fell into step with her as we continued down the corridor. We made a turn and suddenly I was confronted with the magnitude of the ship. It was enormous. I had taken a cruise once through the Caribbean from the port of Galveston, and I had thought that ship was huge. This ship had to be about one hundred times that size. I was most humbled by the sheer size and beauty of it.

There were beings of all shapes and sizes milling around the grand foyer we had come into. It was in the shape of a half globe. The ceiling was curved glass that showed off a most unbelievable view of planets and their moons lazily gravitating around their sun.

"Close your mouth dear, it is most unbecoming" Amelia said teasing.

"Wow" was all that came out of my now closed mouth. I almost pulled a neck muscle craning my neck to follow a shooting star as it went by.

"They are quite a race, the Arcturians that is. This is their ship. They are the most advanced race of the Fifth Dimension. Believe it or not, this is one of their most modest ships" Amelia informed me.

"Is that who is waiting for us?" I asked as I waved to a multicolored being who'd stop to bow at the waist in my direction. He or she hadn't been the first one. I didn't know what else to do so I just waved at them. I tried shaking one's hand, but their eyes grew so big as I extended my arm their way that I reconsidered and just waved.

"Yes, but others have come as well. You are sort of a big deal around here" she winked at me when she saw my expression of horror.

"How far did they come from?" I asked mortified. I'd hate to be the cause they'd wasted their time.

"Word on the street is a couple of beings from the Ninth Dimension will channel in to hear what you have to say" she answered in a conspiratorial voice.

"But I have nothing to say... I am afraid y'all are confusing me with someone else" I said with a heavy southern twang. I couldn't help it when I freaked out.

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