Chapter 16

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It all happened so fast. One moment we were in Samuel's home, and the next we were at the entrance of a beautiful building. It looked like the Roman Pantheon, with tall Corinthian columns in the portico. The building looked pristine. It was as if we had traveled back in time when the structure had just been built. At the front of the building beautiful gardens expanded for what seemed like miles.

"How? Where?" were the only words I could utter. I felt disoriented and I couldn't trust my legs to hold me upright.

"Easy Sara, breathe" Samuel instructed supporting most of my weight effortlessly.

"Sometimes I hate you a little bit, you know?"

"Welcome to my world" he said almost to himself.

"Give a woman notice before you do these things, will ya?" I said ignoring his snide remark, pulling away from him and placing my hands on my knees instead.

For the first time I saw other people in this place, aside from Samuel and Amelia. When I say 'I'm using the word people loosely', it is a serious understatement. Most beings looked humanoid, but they were of all different colors, shapes and sizes. Some even had wings! But not angel-like wings, they were more like the wings of a dragonfly. At least the ones of this creature were.

I was in complete awe. It was all so beautiful, they were all so beautiful.

"Hey" Samuel tapped my shoulder lightly. "This way" he motioned me to follow him.

"These are the souls who are volunteering to go to Earth?" I asked disbelieving.


"But they don't even look human"

"They will once they enter the planet"

"But why? Don't they like their own planets? Do they want to take over ours?"

"I already explained, they are here to help out"

"But why can't humans take care of this themselves?"

"The energy needed to help propel Her to the fifth dimension is more than the enlightened earthlings can offer. Some earthlings refuse to live in light and love, and they are creating resistance to the evolution of Terra. Many other earthling are on the verge of enlightment, but they need a little guidance and encouragement. The beings you see here have lovingly volunteered to temporarily leave the comfort and bliss of their own realities to assist. They know the risks and are willing to undertake them. They are very brave souls who will be rewarded with the highest honors..."

"What risks?" I interrupted.

"When a soul enters a planet in the third dimension, it must agree to forget who he or she is. They must forget Who and What they are in order to fulfill their purpose. As a result negative Karmic energy can be accumulated if they get too identified with their ego. This is why some go to Terra and some stay. The ones who stay guide the ones who go by talking to them through their dreams, or by inspiring them. By sending them signs, via a song, a movie, a thought, a word... The souls who don't lose themselves in the ego are able to see, but the ones who do sometimes need a small reminder that they straying from their path and purpose"

"What do you mean reminder?" I asked somewhat distracted by an, at least, eight feet tall dark blue man who seemed too slim to be walking with such grace. His cadence suggested additional joints to the ones of humans. He had striking green-yellow eyes that glowed and occupied a large portion of his thin face. My curiosity was rewarded with a kind smile and wink.

"Some will program reminders into their DNA, or will plan to meet with other souls and create circumstances if and only if certain conditions aren't met..."

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