Chapter 30

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"OK, where were we" I said turning back to the group. "Ah yes! Unconditional love... Somehow I just knew you were going to say that... So you're going to tell me you have to become some version of Romeo and Juliette in order to break free from all the bullshit we've been carrying around life after life, accumulating it for probably eons. I'm sorry but I'm not buying it" I said beyond annoyed.

"Romeo and Juliette?" questioned Mayra lifting a delicate eyebrow.

"Forgive her, she was sort of illiterate during her last trip to Earth" teased Hans. "Remember the story I told you about the two young lovers who became instantly smitten with each other, then tragedy, tragedy, tragedy, and they both die because they couldn't live without each other" he explained to Mayra looking bored.

"Ah yes!" Mayra exclaimed remembering the tragic story. "No" she said turning to me. "What you are referring to is a sentiment. That has nothing to do with unconditional love, for when you remove the object of the affection, say in this case either of the lovers, then must the love end? Or what if they both had survived, married and after a few years Romeo had found a younger and or a lovelier version of Juliette whom to replace her with? Would the sentiment die then? Of course..." she said not waiting for an answer.

"Then what do you mean? The love mothers have for their children? That seems to be pretty unconditional" I said trying to make sense of her notion of unconditional love.

"This is not true in every case the way I understand it. In your planet many parents love with conditions do they not? No, no, no... When love is directed to one person, situation, condition or otherwise, it cannot be unconditional because it exists upon the condition that the aforementioned be ideal. No... Unconditional love is the love for all of existence, for all of creation... without condition. Without discriminating against what your prejudices label as right or wrong, good or bad. Unconditional love is the complete surrender to the understanding that everything is as it should be, otherwise it wouldn't be. It is the love for every form in existence, every system, every behavior, and every situation without condition, but with the understanding that they exist because they serve a purpose" Mayra explained.

I couldn't make sense of it. What did that have to do with Hans repeatedly cheating on Zade, and Zade being bitter about it?

"It was everything to do with it" said Mayra reading my mind.

"Elaborate..." I requested unfazed by the intrusion. It seemed one could get used to anything.

"The love Zade and Hans shared on Earth was not unconditional, much as they liked to think it was. Zade could only love Hans if he was faithful and met all her expectations. It was attachment, not love. Had she understood the situation existed because she needed to learn what everyone on Earth is there to learn..."

"And what is that?" I interrupted.

"Unconditional love dear one, have you not been listening?" Mayra chided. "I swear... It is as if incarnating in a human body scrambles the sense out of beings. Anyhow... If Zade had risen above her bruised ego, and had been able to become aware of the unhealthy attachment she had toward Hans, the situation would have gone away because she would have learned the lesson and there would be no reason for it to be in her life any longer. She could have chosen to understand that her happiness was her own responsibility and none other's, but given the circumstances and the fact that she forgot who she truly was, she felt powerless. Completely dependent and at the mercy of a man who had no respect for her" she shot a meaningful glance at Hans. "So she chose to hate and resent him because she felt trapped, not knowing that her inhibitions were only a figment of her self-imposed limitations. She feared without him her wellbeing would be threatened and out of this fear rose her immense hatred for him. As you should suspect by now, fear is the opposite of love in a sense. A very destructive thing at that."

"So what was Zade supposed to do? Leave him? Just walk out? It was impossible during those times. She would have had to become a prostitute or worse" I argued.

"If you say so" Mayra said dismissively.

"No, not if I say so. Those were the times" I insisted.

"Those were the circumstances because no one believed it could be any different. But how do you suppose things changed? Do you believe one day everyone awoke convinced women deserved more rights? No, dear one. It took visionaries, women who would not buy into the status quo. They believed they could do better, so they did. Zade got caught up in these emotions that kept her vibrating at a rather low frequency where she kept attracting similar situations again and again. Unconditional love, not only for Hans, but for creation itself, the acceptance that all is as it should be and to cease the opportunity to prove to herself that she is all she will ever need" explained Mayra. "She was so consumed by her hate and fear that she missed the opportunity to create a better life for herself, and possibly others."

"You're asking the impossible from human beings" I said sounding as defeated as I felt.

"Am I?" Mayra asked with a knowing smile.

"Have you been around humans recently? What you are saying goes against everything our cultures stand for. We'll do anything but accept things as they are, and you are saying only unconditional love can transcend the evils that hunt us" I said.

"But can you imagine it Sara? Everyone loving each other unconditionally, loving life and all its experiences unconditionally in the understanding that it is all happening for the evolution of existence. No more wars, no more destruction, only love and peace. Sadly, the human race is not ready. This all sounds too boring to them, they need the drama and suffering. They ridicule people who choose to love and find them weak, what is it they call them? Tree huggers, hippies? The race must yet evolve, they are still driven too much by instinct and not enough by Self, by love. They are driven by survival, by the fear of perishing; and nothing good ever comes from fear. What they do not understand is they cannot move forward by hurting others because in doing so they hurt themselves.... Karma you see, atonement."

"Fuck" I breathed. "We're doomed."

This had everyone around the table laughing. I looked up feeling affronted by their response, did they think is was funny? The human race was so fucked!

"Hardly dear, everyone will make it. It is impossible not to. For you are It, you and every soul, and all of creation are the Universe. An expression of the divine. Why would Source condemn Itself?"

"Well in that case, why would source do awful things to Itself?"

"Well expansion of course" answered Mayra standing up. "We must leave you now. It seems more of us will be needed to tend to the urgent situation Master Samuel was called to."

Zade and Hans followed suit, but Hans came around the table to stand near me.

"It has been a delightful pleasure Master Sara. May I?" asked Hans lifting his arms to embrace me. Zade and Mayra took in a harsh breath in a 'how dare you?' sort of manner.

"Of course" I said ignoring them and stepping into the embrace, wondering if their shock had anything to do with the consequences Hans could face if Samuel walked in, but it couldn't be. They wouldn't be so conservative in these corners of the Universe.

"Wow" Hans murmured giving me a tight squeeze. I closed my eyes with a smile, letting him take whatever it was he needed from the contact. I opened my eyes when he released me to find Zade and Mayra standing behind him waiting their turn.

They gave me an inviting glance and I moved to hug them each in turn. I was a bit confused by the reverent tone of the exchange, but I figured they saw me as an extension of Samuel. Hence, these beings kept addressing me as Master.

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