Chapter 12

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I decided that since I couldn't be in a more pitiful position, I should be allowed to take a second to feel sorry for myself. I was in a strange place yet surrounded by strangers who seemed so familiar. I felt lost, and at the same time I felt like I was finally home. I was in a stranger's body that it somehow felt like it welcomed me, and accepted my presence with joy and reverence. I could not remember a single thing from my past, yet I don't think I had ever felt more like myself.

Somehow, I knew I could deal with all of this. I just didn't think I had the strength to endure Samuel's unrelenting rejection. There was an undeniable pull between us, and I refused to believe only I felt it. I wasn't sure what I wanted from him, but whatever it was he was not giving it. So I sobbed some more, there in the middle of a deserted road.

Once my pity party began to die down, I couldn't help considering that maybe this crazy obsession I had with Samuel had something to do with the Twin Ray thing. If I could just understand what this was, maybe I could get rid of it. With new-found determination, I picked and dusted myself off, quite literally, and made my way to Samuel's home hoping to find Amelia there. I needed answers, and she was going to provide them.

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