Chapter 19

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The man calling for us was sitting on a large, but simple white chair on a platform in the middle of the room. As we approached I noticed the color of his hair had nothing to do with his age. He was as handsome, if not more, as my escort. Similar facial structure, but where perp 1's eyes were small and deep set, this man's eyes were large and brilliant. His think dark eyebrows were at odds with his hair, maybe the hair was a fashion statement.

He wore a suit similar to mine and Rogan's, but his was white with silver embellishments. There were some symbols stitched on his left sleeve I could only guess represented rank or station.

"Did she give you any trouble Rogan?" perp 2 asked.

"No, but she is not talking. Maybe the vocal cords did not develop properly Captain Rogov" said Rogan.

Rogov and Rogan they rhyme, I thought, how cute. Idiots. Had it occurred to him that one could be silent by choice?

"Oh they work my loyal Rogan" said Rogov with a knowing smile. "She just chooses not to use them, but that will change soon."

I wouldn't hold my breath asshole, I thought. For a second I wished he could read my mind, which reminded me to put the picture of the lake firmly at the front and center of my mind.

"Come let me look at you" Rogov said motioning with his hand for me to approach. I stayed exactly where I was. If he wanted to see me more closely, he was going to have to get his ass off that...

My thought was interrupted by a harsh shove from Rogan. I tripped over my feet and almost bought some floor on the spaceship. I recovered my balance, but before turning my attention to Rogov I took the time to give Rogan my best impression of the 'fucking bastard' look, not so recently created by yours truly.

"Now, now Rogan, there is no need to mistreat our prisoners" he said with a smirk. "Welcome Sara you have no idea how glad we are to have you with us. We have waited for this moment for a very long time" he said with undisguised pleasure at his victory.

I stood before him with a partial expression on my face, still concentrating on my lake.

"You are probably wondering why we brought you here" he said looking at me intently.

I gave no answer, I was still holding on to the picture of my lake and reminding myself that I would never be given anything I couldn't handle.

"I see... You see sweet Sara, you have caused me many, many headaches here lately so do not think for one moment I have the patience to tolerate this nonsense. When I ask you a question you will reply. Do you think I went through the trouble of giving you a body just for the sake of admiring it" he said with a filthy smile. The way he looked at my body made me throw up a little in my mouth.

"I asked you a question, answer" he commanded raising his voice.

I quite frankly had forgotten the question, and I'd be damned if I was going to ask him to repeat himself. He got out of his chair and took the five steps down to stand before me. He smelled sickly, a mixture of disease and medication. Without warning he raised his hand too quick for me to follow the movement and slapped me across the face, hard.

"What the fuck was that for?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"I said answer the question" he breathed in my face. His breath made me throw up a little in my mouth a second time.

"Which one?" I said trying to control my anger.

"I said you were probably wondering why we brought you here" he repeated with a pleasant smile that did not reach his eyes.

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