Chapter 4

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I had a lot of information to sort through, but I couldn't risk Amelia getting suspicious of my clandestine communications with my Earthly brother. I wondered if she could have eaves dropped on the conversation. She and Samuel seemed to have a knack for sensing people's thoughts.

My brother... I didn't feel so lost and lonely anymore. Whatever was happening I was going to power through and help 'we' figure things out as best I could.

With that cheery thought I stepped out of the tub, wrapped myself with a long cloth that was hanging from a fixture on the wall and tidied up after myself. The door vanished as I approached it, and materialized again as I stepped out into the bedroom.

Upon further inspection of the outfit laid out for me, I couldn't help but be taken aback by the familiarity of the style. The pair of dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt seemed awfully familiar and provoked a deep nostalgia, but it was the pair of burgundy Chuck Taylors that undid me. I missed me, I missed my life. I missed my smile, my hair, my scent, my friends, my coworkers, my brother, even my stupid boss. Imperfect as my life might have been, it was mine and that was all I knew.

After shedding a few tears, OK maybe it was major water works, I put on the jeans, which turned out to be skinny jeans that fit the body like a glove and then the t-shirt. The lack of undergarments was a bit disconcerting what with the white T and all, but maybe this is how the rolled here.

I put on my shoes and headed to the mirror to take a look. DAYUM! I couldn't help admiring my reflection in the mirror. The jeans only accentuated the perfection of Rosaline's body and the t-shirt was an ode to my borrowed boobs.

I ran my fingers through the silky strands of hair to style it as best I could, but I had a feeling the effort was futile as they would probably air-dry to cascade over my shoulders in beautiful waves of auburn and gold. I hoped Rosaline appreciated how good she had it. In Houston with its infamous humidity, the best I could hope for was a frizzy mess of a bun. Big sigh.

After taking a last appreciative glance at the mirror and armed with all my recently attained info, a phenomenal body and my banging personality I made my way to the living area. The door, of course, dematerialized as I went through and materialized behind me.

"How does it do that?" I wondered out loud.

"It can sense your intentions" answered a lovely voice, not quite as lovely as the owner though. Before I knew it Amelia had me in a tight embrace that lasted a bit longer than social convention would dictate, but heck if I was going to push away all the love she was giving me. I could literally feel every cell in my body rejoicing in the energy she was transmitting.

"Just as where you are from, substance can sense your intentions. Only in the 3D is too dense and it takes a bit longer to see results" she said as she released me. My confusion must have shown on my face or she could read my mind because she continued. "We are in the 4D now".

"I see. That makes total sense. Why hadn't I thought of that? Oh ya! Because it doesn't" I couldn't help laughing at the absurdity of it all.

"I apologize. I'm just not used to you being this way" she looked at me intently like trying to figure me out, which made me feel like a bug under a microscope.

"What do you mean by 'this way'?"

"Well it seems that you most recently existed on the three-dimensional space on the beloved Earth or Terra as we know it on this plane. Reality manifests differently in the two planes. As your scientists are discovering or have discovered, nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. In the 3D the changes are subtle, and you must consciously observe how you are affecting your reality. Here, as you can see, it happens instantaneously" Amelia said as if it was the most obvious thing.

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