Chapter 6

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"He was, of course, being nurtured and groomed to be a great Master. The caliber of his soul was of the highest vibration. Every being who was aware of his existence, speculated on the purpose of his creation, for we know there are no accidents in the Universe and everything has a purpose.

"Everything was going as expected from a soul of his vibratory excellence. He exuded Love and excelled at every test and challenge he was subjected to".

"What happened?" I interrupted. I was getting a bit impatient with all this quantum this and that.

"He fell in love" said Amelia like it was most obvious.

"And his parents didn't like her? She didn't want him? What happened?" finally! But now that we were getting to it, it was getting entirely too intense. I couldn't sit still. I stood up and rested one elbow on the island counter.

"Patience" she said patting my arm. "He was sent on an important mission to the fourth dimension after the call had been sent to all beings in the Universe to join the effort to assist the beloved Terra in her transition. Many advanced, for lack of a better word, souls from different worlds of distant galaxies were readying to enter the planet to fulfill their individual missions. Samuel was tasked with ensuring all the soon-to-be humans were equipped with all they needed to succeed, for none of them deserved the negative Karmic energy that would befall them should they fail.

"The souls arrived in waves, and Samuel was actively involved in the planning and preparation of most missions. He would meet with all the brave souls, and his presence alone was all the assurance and encouragement they needed to subscribe to the initiative.

The first wave included few souls and they were strategically placed throughout your time-space continuum. Aristotle, Plato, Hermes, The Master spearheading the mission Himself; most recently you will remember Einstein, he was crucial in setting the foundation for bridging your civilization's physical and metaphysical understandings of the Universe. There have been many others, doing exceptional work, but you wouldn't have heard of them. They do the work of the Light in a quiet effective manner."

"What do you mean they were placed strategically trough time and space? How is that possible?" I interrupted.

"Oh, of course, you would still have a linear sense of time. This is not so. Time is of course relative to movements through space, and souls have the option to choose when and where they will live out their next life. They do this based on the curriculum that will best serve them."

"So people can just up and reincarnate in the past? Wouldn't that change everything?" I said flabbergasted.

"Yes it would, and what is wrong with that?" she asked intrigued.

"Well the past is the past, it is set in stone" I informed her.

"Whatever gave you that idea?" She said, apparently not expecting an answer because she continued. "Sometimes I forget how young Earth's civilization is. Do you remember if your scientists were becoming acquainted with alternate universes and multiple realities? You probably don't remember... In any case, that is the way of things. May versions of the 'past' exist, as do many versions of the 'present and future'; and they are constantly changing. You only understand time as linear because of the programming in your mind, in truth, you only perceive reality the way you do because of said programming" she paused and gave me a speculative look. "I wonder why you would be exhibiting that sort of wiring in this body though. It could be that it is being accommodating..." she trailed off. "How do you see me?" she asked intrigued and excited.

"What do you mean? With my eyes, how else?" I replied confused.

She chuckled. "Describe me."

"You're beautiful, radiant, I don't know. Like an angel I guess" I said trying my best to give her a general description of my impression of her. I would forever remember her expression of love and satisfaction that just made her look that much more beatific.

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