Chapter 21

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I left the screens behind, but the damned images came with me. Particularly the one where he offered the white rose to her. The memory of his reverence for her stabbed me deeply in the center of my heart, and I stumbled to the floor.

"Let me help you" said Rogan reaching to grab my arm.

"Get the fuck off me" I said pulling my arm away. He was as guilty for my pain as much as Rogov, and now he was going to be compassionate? As far as I was concerned he could go fuck himself.

I just needed to make it to wherever he was taking me, and then I could break down. I just needed to make it a few more minutes, a few more steps. I got off the floor and wiped the incessant tears off my face.

"Lead the way, and don't you ever put your hands on me again" I said between gritted teeth.

For some inexplicable reason Rogan felt sorry for me, I could sense it. I knew I could use this weakness to try to escape, but where would I go. More importantly, for what? What waited for me outside this ship? Nothing but half-truths, confusion and more heartache.

We arrived at a door, which Rogan opened and motioned me inside. He closed and locked the door without a word, leaving me alone at last. The room was all white similar to the one I had been in before, but this one had a wall of windows similar to Rogov's den. I briefly wondered if this was by design so they could use me as bait.

Once I was alone I began noticing nuisances about my body I hadn't before. I was cold, the light too bright for my new eyes and I was terribly hungry; but worst of all I felt outright lonely.

Without further ado I slid down the door and landed on the floor unceremoniously. Alone as I was I didn't feel the need to be strong, and now that the damn was down all the pent up feelings and emotions flooded my heart and soul and broke through my eyes in an unstoppable torrent of tears.

I sobbed while I felt utterly sorry for myself. Samuel wasn't just the love of my life, or of a lifetime. He was my other half. Before I knew him I could function knowing I was missing something, but not quite knowing what it was. Now that I'd had a taste of the bliss of being near the warmth of his skin, breathing his scent, feeling his touch, feeling whole at last, I didn't know if I could go on without him.

"Did you call?" between sobs I heard his damned rugged voice say. I was losing my mind. "Sara?" he said more authoritative.

I looked up, and even though the apparition before me made no sense, of its own volition my body flung itself at what seemed to be Samuel dressed in blue jeans, black t-shirt and black vintage military boots. Never had my eyes beheld such beauty dressed so casually.

To my astonishment I was received and embraced by solid muscles, but it was his scent that was my undoing. Without a word I continued to cry on his chest, finding solace in his warmth and his strength. I didn't know if Rogov was playing tricks on me, but how could anyone be so cruel? In any case I would take this. This would be my goodbye, and at that moment I realized I had decided to let Rogov do what he would with me as long as the pain went away.

"Shhh mon cœur, I will make this right. Did they hurt you?" said Samuel.

I snorted. If only it were them who were causing me this immeasurable pain, I thought.

"If not them, who?" he asked with a mix of concern and anger.

"Samuel?" I asked pushing away from him.

"Who did you think I was? Have those miserable beings tampered with your mind mon cœur?" he asked, his face contorted with rage.

"Stop reading my mind! It's rude! I forbid it!" I said flustered by the intrusion.

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