Chapter 28

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"I do not think I will ever get used to being hungry" Samuel said as we roamed the ship's corridors hunting for food. "I haven't the slightest idea where to get food on this ship."

"Why don't we just ask?" he looked at me like I was speaking Chinese. I guess not asking for directions was very much embedded I the human male's DNA. "So how are you liking it?"


"Your human body. First time you have one?" I gave him a side-way glance.

"It has been a very enlightening experience. Before I had a sense of compassion for the human plight, but now I understand so much. No I just feel... sorry and a sense of admiration for the brave souls who chose to go to Terra" he answered.

"Oh it isn't so bad" I said dismissively.

"What? I am constantly battling this overbearing need to possess you every time you come this close to me. Had we not left the room I swear I would have fucked you stupid..."

"Whaaaaaa" I managed to get out before busting out laughing.

"It is not funny. How can females be safe around males with such instincts?" well when he put that way, I guess it wasn't that funny.

"When did you learn to curse?" I asked still amused.

"I've been hanging around you too much" he said giving my hand a squeeze.

"OK, so you don't like being horny all the time, what else?" I asked trying to suppress the urge to laugh and failing miserably.

"It is not only the need to have you, but to protect you, feed you, ensure your wellbeing. I have a mind to go looking for that, how do you call them?" he said visibly searching for the word, "asshole who groped you while you were bending over at the place with all the iron contraptions and teach him how he should treat women. Particularly, my woman" he growled.

He took a deep breath and turned to look at me.

"You see, all these emotions are alien to me. Deep inside me I know you are safe wherever you are because you exist within All That Is as we all do, but I cannot help feeling so out of control" he said frustrated. "Apollo has been helping me adjust. He incarnated on Earth a handful of times to understand what he was dealing with before he took his assignment."

"I see, but there has to be things you enjoy" I said trying to bring him back to the bright side.

"Well I do like how your hand feels in mine, your lips and...."

"OK, OK I get the point" I said laughing.

"The body is very restrictive though. You've experienced delivering the existence in the Fourth Dimension is, even though you remained limited by the 3D wiring."

"Speaking of which, you don't look much different than you did in the 4D. Amelia, I almost didn't recognize" I said.

"I didn't want to startle you when I came to get you. I used an imprint of what your idea of me was to create this body."

"What do you mean?"

"It's complicated..." he dismissed my question.

"So you don't have your superpowers anymore" I wondered out loud.

"I do, I am still aware of who I am. I was not birthed the way other humans are. It is only when they go through the birthing process all they memories are erased. Also, I took on a more advanced form of the human body. From the future if you will" he said casually.

"Well that makes total sense" I said.

"Good" he nodded.

"Love, we are going to have to work on your sarcasm radar" I said laughing. "What do you mean more advanced?"

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