Chapter 36

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"And who made you the judge of that? What would you know about what a being should or should not endure?" Rafael responded matching Samuels roar.

Their faces were a half inch away from each other's.

"Gentlemen" intervened Apollo.

"She is not going back, and I sure as hell am not ever setting foot on that place" Samuel spat out.

"Like hell she's not, and you are too" Raphael said with as much vehemence as Samuel.

"Never" Samuel's face was crimson with anger.

"Aren't we being a bit judgmental Master?" sneered Raphael.

"Go fuck yourself Raphael" said Samuel between clenched teeth.

My mouth was hanging open. I had never heard Samuel curse, and that just made the insult all the more offensive. But God help me he looked so hot all worked up as he was.

Samuel and Rafael both gave me a disbelieving glare.

"Seriously Chosen?" asked Rafael with a raised eyebrow.

A victorious smirk slowly appeared on Samuel's face. He was sure he'd won. He was sure there was no way I would go without him. I looked into his eyes and shook my head slightly. His smile disappeared...

"Do not do this Sara" he pleaded in a low voice, almost a whisper.

"You assumed your union would prevent her from going, that somehow you would be able to bend her will to yours" said Apollo shaking his head before I could utter a word. "It surprises me that at this stage of your evolution you still have not learned to accept the will of All That Is."

"And what of free will Apollo? Can I not chose what is best for me?" argued Samuel, his anger boiling back up.

"You can, but what of her will? Does it not matter to you Master?" asked Apollo.

"She does not know what is best for her. Surely you tricked her into going to Terra for she would never leave me willingly" Samuel assured him.

"What if she assumed you would follow, but dared not ask it of you?" argued Apollo.

"Enough" I said.

"Does the success of this mission depend on my going back to Earth?" I asked.


"We cannot be sure"


Came the three answers at the same time.

"We have to try" said a familiar female voice.

Amelia hadn't spoken since we'd entered the room. She had sat quietly observing us, contemplating. She stood up and everyone regarded her in silence as she made her way toward me. She took my hands and looked deeply into my eyes.

"We are not privy to the details of the plan to assist our beloved Terra in her ascension, but we do know it has been written. Terra will ascend. We believe the destruction that is currently taking place on the planet is paving the way for what is to come. Similar to a caterpillar that must cease to exist so that a most beautiful creature can take its place. The metamorphosis has begun, it is just a matter of how many souls will transcend with it, and how many will be lost to the wheel of Karma. You do not have to do anything. Your decision will be respected either way. You have already done much to help, and nothing more can be asked of you" Samuel began to say something, but Amelia held up a delicate index finger to quiet him. "However, we do believe you are important to the success of this plan, and we are certain that if you are able to quiet your mind, All That Is will whisper to you, as it is Its way, what must be done."

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. I could feel Samuel's plea deep within me, I could feel his pain and desperation, but I also knew what the right thing to do was and he did as well.

"No" he whispered.

"I must" I said looking at nothing in particular unable to meet his gaze.

"Do not do this Sara. If you go, I will not be here when you come back" he threatened.

"I will find you" I said.

"No" he bellowed. "You will not! If you go, you forsake me, you forsake us! I will not sit around waiting while you are hurt and tortured, I will not suffer this again. I cannot suffer this again."

"Come with me" I pleaded.


"You're being unreasonable Samuel" I chastised. The room was quiet no one, not even Rafael, dared speak. The entire chamber, and I was willing to be the entire ship, was vibrating with Samuel's anger.

"Know this Sara Chosen of the Arcturians, if you go, you and I are done. I will spend the rest of my existence searching for a way to break our bond. You will never share the same space with me if it destroys me, do you understand me?" he was breathing hard with the effort to control his emotions.

I stood numbly regarding him for a long moment. Then turned to Amelia, I knew in my heart my decision had already been made long before my time. This is what was meant to be, and I would play my part and deal with the consequences when they came to claim me.

"When?" I asked.

"Now" without warning, Apollo's hand came down on me. The world shook all around me for a brief moment and then it all went black.

In that moment I was only aware of one thing, Samuel's last soul-shattering words to me...

I hate you.

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