Chapter 5

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He turned on his heal and walked out of the cave or whatever we were in, and it was all I could do to stop myself from running after him. Amelia put her hand on my arm to help me out, I'm sure she could sense the overwhelming need I had to be near him. Fuck these feelings and this fucking obsession with him! I hated it, I hated him!

"No, you don't" Amelia gave me a compassionate side-way glance.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what takes over me" I said feeling like a total asshole.

"Oh please don't apologize, I should be the one apologizing. Here you are utterly confused about your feelings and I can't do anything to help you" she said with an apologetic smile.

"Why does he have that effect on me? It's driving me insane!" I said through clenched teeth. "And the worst part is he seems to enjoy it! Who does that? What the hell happened to him to make him such an asshole?"

She looked into space, conflict clearly reflected on her face. Probably deciding if she should tell and, if so, how much.

"Very well Sara, I will tell you how Samuel came to be so sullen and serious" Amelia looked at the food that now sat before me forgotten. "Eat."

I shook my head. Not surprisingly I had lost my appetite. It seemed like my breath was not the only thing Samuel was capable of taking from me.

With a wave of her hand she cleared the entire island counter, and by 'cleared' I mean there was nothing left on it. Not. A. Thing.

"Nice" I said in appreciation. Maybe one day she would teach me how to use the 'intention'.

"Very well..." she sighed. "Samuel is a very special being."

"You don't say" I couldn't help being sarcastic, but come on, way to state the obvious.

"It is the truth" she said solemnly. She was too deep in her thoughts to notice my insolence. "Would it offend you if I assume you are not familiar with the workings of energy, frequencies and planes of existence?" Amelia asked with honest concern. She'd probably heard somewhere about human's fragile egos.

"Absolutely not, assume away" I said urging her to get started.

"There are many planes of existence, and within those planes many levels exist. There are no clear lines, of course, to define them and each has its own properties; however, all are governed by the same principles. After all, energy is energy" Amelia began explaining.

"What's the difference then?" I asked now wishing I had kept some of the food. Story-telling was way funner with coffee and sweets.

"Across creation, including the three-dimensional plane you most recently inhabited, civilizations are subject to duality, or what we know as the principle of Polarity. On Earth things and situations are always labeled as good or bad, hot or cold, hard or soft and so on, and it is assumed that these are absolute and complete opposites. Here in the fourth dimension we understand innately that these qualities are only degrees of the same thing. Good and bad do not exist, it is your human minds that apply those labels. That which makes you happy now will cause you pain later the only thing that separates the states of being is time as you perceive it on Earth. Effectively, everything just is. You make judgements based on programming instilled in you and label things and situations following those guidelines. Ultimately, it is your brain that synthetizes your reality so you perceive things as good or bad, hard or easy, etc..."

"So like if I kill a person, we cool?" No way was that true.

"I'll let you answer that. You were an officer of the law, were you not?" she asked with a knowing smile.

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