Chapter 17

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"I need to experience forgiveness" said Augustin out of the blue and at normal speed. "I have failed at this my last couple of lives and I need to learn once and for all. I would like to suffer ultimate betrayal at the hands of the person I perceive to be the most important in my life. I have chosen to incarnate as a homosexual male. My goal is to have my mother reject me and disown me, which will likely put me at risk of falling into the hands of predators. If my mother and I cannot come to terms after I reach out for help, then I will contract the HIV virus in the hopes this will ignite deep compassion within her that compels her to accept me and fight for my life with me. The challenge will be to forgive my mother and not blame her for whatever perils I will suffer as a consequence of our falling out."

"What?" I asked turning to Samuel bewildered. "Why would anyone ask for such a horrible life? Why is Seth allowing this?"

"Do you want the short or long answer?" Samuel asked calmly, pausing the scene again.

"Don't get cute with me... And how the hell are you stopping time?" I demanded.

"I have already told you I have my ways... The short answer is free will. Augustin is free to choose the challenges he is willing to take on. I must say he is a very brave soul. At the rate he is going, I do not believe he will need many more incarnations" Samuel explained.

"OK that tells me why Seth must allow it, but why is he choosing all that pain?" I insisted.

"The Source of all life, Where we come from knows it all" Samuel's voice took a solemn tone. "She is All That Is, He is indivisible and All-encompassing. Nothing exists outside of Her. He is Love and Light, and knows these to be the only Truths; but how can the Light be appreciated without darkness, or happiness without sorrow. This is why She chooses to individualize as us to experience. He already is All Knowing, but it is experience that gives depth and meaning to this Knowledge" explained Samuel.

"Are you saying we are the same, you and I?" I asked trying to wrap my head around this.

"Like waves in the ocean, but not only us souls, everything is made up of the same Intelligent and limitless Energy. The building blocks are the same, the only thing that distinguishes us is the frequency at which we vibrate" Samuel finished.

"Bullshit" I said still unable to assimilate all this. How could it be possible?

"The illusion of separation is just that, an illusion. You are never alone, not a single one of your thoughts is private, nor a single one of your actions goes unnoticed. We are all inextricably interconnected, and every single one of us a fragment of All That Is. But don't get confused... The Source is much more than the sum of all the pieces" Samuel cautioned.

"But why do all this?" I said motioning to the group suspended in time before us.

"To go back Where we come from. That is the ultimate goal. You see, they cannot truly harm each other because Who they are is indestructible. They are placed in a safe environment where they will teach and learn from one another. Shall we let them continue?" Samuel asked.

All I could do was nod and reluctantly turn my attention back to the group. This was so much to take in.

"I will be your mother" proclaimed a pretty red-head with the cutest freckles on her nose, her green eyes alight with excitement. "I need to learn unconditional love and this would afford me a great opportunity to do so."

"If you want to take the challenge to the next level I could be your disabled son" said a boy with her same coloring and almost identical green eyes. "My last five lives have been rather challenging, and I wouldn't mind letting someone take care of me. I don't want to have to make any decisions or take any responsibilities. So I will be severely disables. I will only bring about 35% of my energy so I can support the group with the other 75% through this challenge."

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