Chapter 22

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Vaguely aware of lights flickering and some minor turbulence, I placed my hands under his shirt hungry to carry out my own survey of his body. I was delightfully treated to warm, smooth skin tautly laid over firm muscle. At the sense of my touch, an animalistic growl emanated from his chest, and he began to unbutton his jeans with his right hand.

"Master Samuel please forgive the interruption, but I am afraid this chamber is not equipped to withstand the energy from your union" said a voice out of nowhere. "The damage, for lack of a better word, would carry throughout the ship and it would be irreparable."

Samuel stopped, as did the turbulence, and placed his hands on the wall on either side of me. He looked at me with a mixture of regret and amusement. The way he looked at me and his crooked smile underscored my unqualified embarrassment.

"Aye, aye Captain Apollo" answered Samuel to the disembodied voice without taking his eyes off me.

"Welcome dearest one we have been anxiously waiting for you, and it gives us much joy to finally have you amongst us" said Captain Apollo. When Samuel didn't answer I mouthed a "me?" Samuel smiled and nodded.

"Ah... Thank you?" I answered looking around. "They're watching us?" I whispered in Samuel's ear hugging myself to him to hide my naked body.

"No, we were interfering with the operations of their ship" he said chuckling. His good mood was contagious, and I found myself giggling of all things. Maybe it was because I hadn't seen him like this before.

"Who are you?" I asked pushing him away just enough so I could get a good look of him. He looked at me intently for a few moments as if I was the most beautiful thing his eyes had ever beheld, making me feel very self-conscious. Only God knew how disheveled I looked.

In response, Samuel leaned in to give me a soft but lingering kiss that prevented me from further coherent thoughts, before things escalated he pushed away from me and pulled his shirt over his head.

My eyes almost popped out at the sight of his amazing body. He looked strong in an unintentional sort of way. Everyone one of his muscles was elegantly defined, and it was making my mouth water and my stomach contract with the need to touch him. His unbuttoned jeans were hanging from his hips just so and I couldn't help wonder...

"What?" he asked amused raising an eyebrow.

All I could do was press my lips tight and shake my head. He slid his shirt over my head and as soon as I emerged from it my stomach let out a loud grumble, which changed Samuel's expression to one of mild concern.

"Apollo, I believe our guest is starved" said Samuel to the air after gently grazing my lips with what felt like an apology.

"Food and clothing have been provided for in your chambers as you requested Master Samuel" said Apollo making me wonder where the hell the voice was coming from. There were no visible speakers in the little room.

"No need for formalities brother, just call me Sam" said Samuel casually.

"With all due respect, who are you?" he asked.

"I asked the same thing" I shouted looking up, sounding awkward.

"I know" said the disembodied voice with a hint of humor.

"Come" said Samuel taking hold of my hand and pulling me toward one of the walls. A door materialized out of nowhere allowing us passage into a long curved corridor, much like the one in Rogov's ship, only the walls glowed a soft white light illuminating the way.

We walked through several corridors, which looked much the same until we arrived at a door that dematerialized as we approached and sealed back up after we went through.

The chamber was round and magnificent, not only physically speaking with its soft lighting, off-white furniture and wall-to-wall windows showcasing a beautiful view of some galaxy; but it also felt different. As soon as I walked through the door an inexplicable feeling of elation took over me. I felt a peace within me I did not know existed.

Before I knew it I was in the middle of the room with my eyes closed just being not a single thought crossed my mind. When I finally opened my eyes, I turned to find Samuel still by the entrance.

Being in this chamber seemed to be having the opposite on him than it was having on me. His stance was entirely too intense. Where I felt like a mountain breeze in spring, he seemed like an active volcano about to erupt.

"Are you OK?" I asked concerned. He shook his head, his gaze intense appraising me from head to toe. "What?" it was my turn to ask.

He crossed the distance between in two long strides stopping right before me without touching me, waiting for an unnecessary invitation to do as he would with me. His muscled chest rose and fell before my eyes with heavy breathing brought on by the exertion of will power. I could feel his warmth, and his scent clouded any vestiges of reason left in my brain. My stomach was clenched with anticipation, unable to move like a prey who knew there was only one way this would end and glad for it.

"I need you..." Samuel said, his husky voice sending shivers through my body.

"You're trembling" I said matching his tone.

"Say yes Sara" he demanded.

I looked up to meet his hazel eyes, and before I got lost in them I did. "Yes" I whispered.

He took me in his arms and kissed me like our lives depended on it. It felt like they did. His lips were soft, full and demanding. His tongue engaged in an avid dance of give and take with mine, sent wave after wave of pleasure through my body. His hands were everywhere, knotted in my hair, under my shirt traveling up and down my back, my arms, my breasts, my stomach, I was lost in so many melodies of sensation that came together to create the most euphoric symphony of pleasure.

I needed to give him as much as I was taking. My hands journeyed down his torso relishing every inch of elevations and valleys, once they arrived at their destination I began undoing his pants. He sucked in air with anticipation and a growl built up in his chest, a premonition more than a promise of the indulgence that awaited me.

Before I knew it, there wasn't a single piece of garment between us. No words or instructions were needed. He was an expert master of my body, and I was, without a shred of doubt, his. My body danced to the rhythm of his in perfect synchronization.

He pulled me slowly with him toward the round bed in the middle of the room. Laying on top of him, I pushed up on my hands and stole a glance at his eyes. He looked at me with a desire that burned too deep for me to comprehend. I hesitated for a moment afraid that I would never be the same after I went with him to depths he was obviously prepared to take me, but I felt him plead with his entire being and I could not deny him. I would not deny us.

I lowered myself unto him and kissed his lips softly. I could feel him tense with restrain like a damn holding a river after the spring rains, but he let me set the pace. I took my time kissing, licking and sucking every square inch of his beautiful body. His grunts and harsh intakes of breath made me fully aware that every second felt like torture to his seemingly hungry-for-more body.

Determined, I traveled back to his mouth and picked up the pace moving deliberately against him. After I bit his lip I found myself pinned down to the bed by a Samuel who was not willing to hold back any longer.

His hands were clasping mine on either side of my head, his breathing was ragged and his eyes were intent on mine pleading. I freed my right hand and lowered him down to me unable to resist him anymore, rising to meet him as our bodies united.

"Sara, I can't..." Samuel started to say, and I knew what he meant.

"I'm not made of glass" I whispered.

The force with which he took me was nothing short of epic. Each one of his movements sent waves of pleasure unbeknownst to my kind. Penetrating deeper and deeper, melding not only our bodies but our minds and souls until we became one at every level. Our entire beings fused in an amalgamation of love, the kind that is only spoken of in legends.

Time and space lost all meaning, only the communion of our souls existed in that eternal moment.

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