Chapter 7

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I came-to laying on the bed in the room I now deemed as mine. When I opened my eyes it all came back rushing to me like a train. Not one of those sleek ones you see in Japan, nope. This was a freight train and it was coming at me full speed ahead.

"Breath" Mike's voice in my head was the sweetest sound I'd ever heard. "Sara, breath. I mean it."

I shook my head. Apparently, the train decided to use my chest to stop itself because it felt like it was resting on top of me, so no breathing for me.

"You are going to be OK. We are going to get through this. Samuel will come around..."

"I beg your fucking pardon" that statement had the power to lift the train, put all the pieces of me back together, forged by a rage inside me like none had ever witnessed. "What the fuck did you just say to me?"

"Keep it down. They're going to hear you" I could hear Amelia and Samuel having what sounded like a heated conversation in the other room.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" I yelled in my head as I sat upright. "You knew who I was and didn't tell me? You knew all along?"

"Yes" I could hear the regret in his voice.

"ALL. ALONG." I accused. I could not believe this. My own brother. All that time on Earth.

"I couldn't tell you Sara, it would have compromised the entire project" his tone was pleading.

"Is that so? How? You have 30 seconds to explain to me how you telling me who I truly am would have compromised the project? And what fucking project are we talking about?" I said very close to losing my shit not for the first time in a very short period of time.

"I don't know. I don't know any of the details. I just know I was made to swear I wouldn't say a word to you no matter what. All I could do was guide you and support your effort" he said as fast as he could convey his thoughts.

"Who? Who did this? Who made you swear?" I yelled into my head vehemently.

"You did."

"What? Why would I do that? You're so full of shit" there was no way I would ever leave Samuel. No. Fucking. Way.

"I don't know the specifics, no one does. Only you did. All I know is one day you disappeared and no one knew where you had gone. When you came back you said something about a secret audience and that you would tell everyone about it when the time was right. You never said with whom this audience had taken place or what it had been about, but we all assumed it had to do with the project, Terra's ascension" As I hung from every work Mike was saying, my heart was racing and I was breathing hard. It was all I could do not to fall apart. It would have been one thing for someone to have done this to Samuel and I, but for me to choose it? No. This couldn't be.

"One day you approached me in one of the gardens and told me you had to go to Earth and that no one could know. At first I thought you were joking. We all knew the implications of going to Earth, and Samuel would never allow it. You knew this so you forbid me from telling him. You said it was important. That you wouldn't go unless it was absolutely necessary. You said the project depended on it, and I believed you because I knew very close to nothing would keep you from Samuel."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. There was no way...

"You said everything had already been worked out. Samuel would not be able to find you because your soul song, your soul signature, would be altered to disguise you. You said you needed my help and I was to go with you to Earth. I'm not one to ever shy away from a challenge so I agreed. Only, I would remember everything and be your guide, but was absolutely forbidden to interfere too much unless you asked. We both know how that went..."

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