Chapter 29

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Thinking back to the first time I laid eyes on Samuel in the 4D, how my soul immediately recognized him and my heart latched on to him with a force I didn't know it was capable of, I understood. I finally understood what all those poets and writers were clamoring about. They knew. If they hadn't found their other half on Earth, they still knew, deep down where the memory of what's truly real existed in them, they knew of this kind of love. This all-encompassing and all-consuming love. They knew about the absolute surrender you can only offer your other half because you cannot deny yourself who you are and that without them you are not complete.

At that moment Samuel turned to me and when our eyes met there it was, the knowing.

"I apologize, how embarrassing" Zadé said mortified bringing my attention back to the conversation, "as you can see we haven't gotten past our issues."

"You haven't gotten past your delusions, I'm am doing just fine" Hans retorted.

"I'm sorry Hans, but I still can't understand the appeal of sticking your penis into any warm hole you could find" said Zadé and I almost spit out my food.

"And that my friends is why we'll have to go back to Earth" Hans said looking at me and Samuel resigned. "But this time she'll be in a male body. Then she'll understand the appeal" he finished winking at us.

"Ugh" Zadé didn't seem too enthusiastic at the idea.

"Payback's a bitch" I said before I could stop myself.

"Not payback, atonement" said Zadé. "For our own sake, I must understand what it was like for him and he will experience what it was like for me so we then can atone the wrong doings and clear our souls from the negative energy."

"But you didn't do anything wrong" I said defending her.

"Indeed I did. I was not able to love him unconditionally. My love had not only conditions, but expectations. I was unable to love him as he was because my ego prevailed at each turn. You see, the situations we experience are never about them" she said motioning toward Hans with her hand, "they're always about us. The challenge is always to learn to love unconditionally, that my dear is the ultimate goal."

"Why must you go back to Earth and not just seek the atonement in your planet? Why go back at all if you seem to understand it?" I asked.

"Oh no... There is no experience like the human experience. Terra is known for the vibrant and strong souls that emerge from it. She does understand it in theory, but as you can see she continues to harbor the negative emotions toward me and I can't seem to understand what the big deal is. Hence, we go back to seek atonement" said Hans.

"So is that why you are here? So you can jump back to Earth?" I asked.

"Oh no, that won't happen for some time... Maybe 300 Earth years or so" said Hans. "We are here because a group of our people have gone to Earth to help with the mission."

"Are they in human bodies" Samuel asked prematurely feeling sorry for the souls.

"Three are in human form and two are in the base located in Everest" Zadé answered.

"You mean on Everest" I corrected.

"No, in. The base is located within the Mountain" Zadé insisted.

"I was not aware that Everest is hollow" I said confused.

"It isn't. The base exists in a different dimension, but occupies the same space as the mountain. It is easier to operate that way. The humans remain unaware of our project, and this is the only reason we are very effective" she said.

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