Chapter 14

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"What the fuck?" I yelled.

"Would you stop that?" he said at the same time. Loud thumps sounded on the ceiling, clearly we were under attack.

"Get the fuck off me!" I told Samuel pulling my arm and hand free from his grip. I was not giving him the luxury to act disgusted at our proximity, so I'd just beat him to the punch. Pun totally intended.

"With pleasure" he retorted with a raised eyebrow. Arrogant son of a bitch that he was.

"Where do you keep your weapons?" Amelia shouted from across the room. All business.

"What weapons?" he responded with the sexiest crooked smile. "Stay near me" he said turning to me. There was no concern on his voice, again this was pure business. The business of keeping me safe. I briefly wondered if this attack had anything to do with me.

Samuel's home was breached within seconds by beautiful creatures. Their body structure was humanoid, but it was covered by some sort of polished dark blue shell or armor like an ant's exoskeleton. They had small dark eyes and that was about the only facial features they had. They seemed to be made of organic materials, but their movements were mechanic and coordinated to perfection.

"What the hell are those things?" I asked no one in particular.

"Androids" Amelia answered next to me holding a battle stance. She looked fierce. All sweet smiles and demeanor replaced by a violent determination to prevail.

I felt heat on the other side of me, and I turned to find Samuel glowing. "What the fuck?" I said taking a reluctant step away from him. There was a battle going on within me, one side fiercely wanted to be closer to him and the other fought to get away.

"I said stay near me" he said between clenched jaws. I felt a force grab hold of me that kept me within arm's reach of him. There was not fighting it.

Samuel coolly advanced on the androids, he seemed to be angrier at me than at the inconvenience of their intrusion. The androids began shooting some sort of green rays out of oval shaped artifacts. They didn't seem to be targeting me specifically. They shot at all three of us indiscriminately. Amelia and Samuel seemed to be deflecting the rays effortlessly, and I got swung by Samuel's invisible force one way and another to dodge them. I felt like a weightless rag doll, and swore to myself I would make him pay for this indignity.

We approached two of the three androids that were attacking us, Samuel with determination and me unwillingly, while Amelia engaged the third one. I focused on the two we were taking on, and by 'we' I mean Samuel, with much apprehension. Battling someone with emotions and survival instinct could be mentally overpowered, but these things were quite single minded about their mission.

I was preparing to be swung around some more while Samuel battled them, but as soon as the androids came within close proximity they seemed to disable. One wave of Samuel's hand and they disintegrated into light particles.

"Amelia do you need help?" he asked calmly. She seemed to be in some sort of trance, doubted she'd heard Samuel.

I was surprised when she answered "I got this", and with one blow sent the android into light particle oblivion.

"That was fun" Amelia said turning to look at us with an excited smile.

Her smile was short-lived as she noticed yet another thing come through the door. It was humanoid, but this one looked like it had evolved from reptiles. The word alligator came to mind. He was wearing some sort of opaque golden armor that made a striking contrast with his skin's different green tones.

"Greetings Master Samuel, Amelia, Rosaline" the thing said with a pause between our names and a nod in each our respective directions.

I felt my head nod of its own volition as the force Samuel had around me got tighter, and somehow I knew I had to play along.

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