Chapter 9

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We had walked for what I estimated to be three hours, but I couldn't be sure because I had to assume time was different around here. It could have been ten minutes for all I knew. As we turned to make our way down a hill I saw a most breathtaking view. A majestic white building rose before a town square that was buzzing with activity. Besides the beautiful white building, the square was surrounded by smaller, more ordinary looking buildings. On the square, there were what seemed like colorful tents, and people, or beings, whatever, coming and going, and stopping here and there.

It looked like one of those fantasy movies we had on Earth, one of those with the happy endings. Not that kind of happy ending, the ones where the guy and the girl got together and lived happily ever after. I had to wonder if as a race, humans would ever be able to forgive Disney and all his cohorts for being the inspiration for such delusions. Not that I was bitter at the present moment or anything or the sort.

"Are you coming?" Samuel called out looking at me over his shoulder.

"No" I responded casually. I hadn't realized I had come to a complete stop to admire the beauty before me, and the town square.

"Sara, we do not have time for this nonsense" he said a bit too harshly for my taste.

I was having a very hard time believing we were one when he could speak to me that way, but it was the only thing that made sense. I was his, and that was that. There was no other way to explain it in human words, apparently any body I occupied, my mind and soul were his. His essence was simply embedded in every particle of my being.

But I couldn't worry about that right now. I had a council of old-timers to deal with, and I didn't dare wonder 'what's the worst they can do?' with me being death and all because on Earth every time I wondered 'what's the worst that can happen?' Life got quite creative and rose to the challenge each and every time.

"Stay" I commanded when I began walking and he began walking away from me yet again. And to my surprise he did stay put. Huh... who would of thought.

"Why is that large building glowing?" I asked when I caught up with him. The glow just added to the magical atmosphere of the place.

He began walking, but this time at a pace I could keep up with. It was nice. For a second I allowed myself to believe we were just two lovers out for a walk. That was until I involuntarily started to reach out to hold his hand, but by the mercy of some invisible force I stopped myself before my traitorous body relinquished the little dignity I had left. The man couldn't stand to be near me, so there was not telling what he would do if I touched him.

I balled up the fabric of my blouse in my fists to keep them from going rogue.

"It is the residence of the Council members when they are in this plane" Samuel explained.

"Right, but why does it glow?" I asked looking up at him. And he looked down at me over his shoulder. Fuck!

I wasn't going to make it. I was doomed. When those beautiful blues met my eyes, my soul about exploded inside me. If the council didn't evaporate me with a laser gun or something, I was sure to die of a shattered soul. For fuck's sake! What was this?

In that moment, I had a rare, nay, very rare flash of inspiration. I could just ask them to laser me down. Puff, just like that and all this misery would be over. Surely I deserved it. I mean who abandons a project of this magnitude, right?

"It seems to you like it glows because the energy within and around the building is of the highest quality, but do not be concerned, there are special chambers where beings of your frequency can enter" Samuel said interrupting my Machiavellic cogitations.

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