Chapter 31

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As we parted ways, I had every intention to find Samuel and hopefully also what was going on that required the attention of my meal companion's as well.

"Samuel" I called out with my thoughts making my way through the corridor that lead to the central atrium.

"Sara" I heard his voice coming from behind me.

"Holy shit! You scared me! Where did you come from?" I asked with a hand on my chest, possibly in an attempt to keep my startled heart beating in place. I never understood why we humans do that when we're scared.

"You called" he said as a way of explanation.

"Are you done tending whatever you needed to tend to" I asked.


"Oh, so you have to go back?"


"Elaborate" it seemed like I was saying this word more often than I'd like to, but the fact that I could not read minds just didn't seem to register.

He regarded me with a calculating gaze for a few moments before he spoke. As if trying to determine how much information he should share or better yet, how much I could process.

"I do not have to go back because I remain there" he said letting a breath out I didn't realize he was holding.

"I beg your pardon" I said raising an eyebrow for effect.

"Part of consciousness remains at the gathering, but the majority of it is here with you" he explained.

I closed the distance between us and put an arm out expecting it to go right through him, but I ended up shoving him.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"I thought you'd be a hologram or something" I said in mild horror.

"No that is not how it works" he said taking advantage of the proximity to take me in his arms. He looked at me intently, almost pleading. But what? Before I could ask the question he kiss me so thoroughly my head began to spin. He was not gentle about it. His lips were demanding, I just wasn't quite sure what he needed from me. Whatever it was, he could have it. All of it, all of me. I put my arms around his neck and tangled my tingling fingers in his soft hair. I pressed my body against his, but I couldn't get close enough. There were too many layers of clothes and molecules of air between us. His tightly guarded emotions became wide open to me for the briefest of moments and I could feel his need to be reassured that I was here and more importantly that I was his. That I would choose him above all.

How could he doubt it? I thought vaguely, too distracted by the sensations my body was experiencing. Being with Samuel was like nothing I had ever experienced. Our unions, for lack of a better word, demanded everything of me. Too soon he let go leaving me in a daze.

"Come, we should go to our quarters before we bring this ship down" he said pulling me in the direction of the Atrium. I had trouble keeping up with his long, urgent strides. I was half jogging, but I wouldn't complain.

We had to slow down when a large group of beings that looked like something that would come out in a Star Wars movie were making their way through a corridor that would take us to Samuel's apartment.

"Samuel" I said.

"Yes" he answered without looking at me, focused on getting us through barricade of beings politely, yet efficiently.

"Won't it be weird?"

"What are you talking about?" he asked absently.

"Well, won't I be making love with part of you only?" I asked.

REBIRTHजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें