Chapter 25

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Two weeks pass by in a twinkle of an eye, and just as promised, Aliyu fulfilled them all. He always calls often to check on her well being and also keep her company on call after work, talking about everything and leaving nothing behind. Praying for her often and doing the needful.

They were far from each other but their relationship grows even stronger, you can call it a distance relationship but it blossom because the distance is never a barrier to true love. They are not looking for perfection. But instead, finding perfection even in the imperfection of their marriage life.

Aliyu prepared for his journey right before going to work and immediately after he was done from work, he drove to Kaduna straight and met his wife doing just perfectly okay. And that alone calm his nerve, they so much miss each other badly, and he could not wait to just have her around him. His parent teased him of not being shy but Aliiyu being himself will never be, and when he peaks Rahma in front of Baba she couldn't face them again and feel like the ground should swallow her up.

"Babe, you haven't been eating, why? What wrong with you?" Aliyu asked concern.

"Nothing really, ask Mama have been doing good and I also eat a lot," she said sarcastically.

"Cmon babe I'm serious, what wrong with you? Should we go to the hospital?" He asked again.

"Baby I said I'm fine, don't you trust me again?" She asked and Aliyu couldn't argue further again. He just wants to be sure because he feels insecure.

"Fine if you say so," he said disheartening.

"Aliyu you should let her rest, you know the doctor said we should always let her have enough rest for now" Hajiya Summaya inform.

"Sure mama," he said and excuse himself to have some rest too. Immediately he steps his leg inside his room at boys quarters, he lay on the bed but sleep refuses to carry him. He just feels unease so he stood up and perform ablution and pray then supplicate for his wife health for he just doesn't know what to feels after seeing her, she as becomes so lean but though his parent did a good job because she was even glowing from all evidence that shows she's fine.

His food was brought to him by Nafisa and he couldn't eat, he lost appetite entirely so he calls Rahma and pleaded with her to come over__ for he knows his mother won't let him talk to his wife freely and he needed to speak to her to be sure of her well being.

She came immediately and spray her slender arms unto her husband own, she wraps her body on his tightly and uncontrollable tears stream down. "Rahma am here with you, what happened? Why are you crying? You don't want to go back with me? Or is anyone maltreating you here?" He asked all at once.

"Not at all wallahi, I just miss you, and I'm also going to missed you badly soon." She blurted.

"Of course babe I miss you too, so badly you could never tell, but anyway we will leaving together tomorrow and that way, we will be able to sleep beside each other, your head on my chest and my hand securely wrapped around you right," He asked and she nodded.

"Before we leave tomorrow, can you do me a favour this night?" She asked.

"Of course, I will do anything for you gladly babe."

"Thank you, my hubby. Can we gist all night and recite Qur'an together before daybreak and then sleep after that?" She asked.

"Of course we shall if that will make you feel better," he said, even though he was tired he couldn't just say No.

"So have you eaten?" She asked.

"And how can I comfortably eat when my wife is not beside me?"

"Oh really! Okay now come let eat together, I'm going to feed you while you do the same okay."

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