Chapter 26

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Dedicated to fatymayna Jannah_Princess14 FatimataAbukari zeeekadir for their wonderful review. Thank you so much guys.


15 September 2018 (present)

"Save my wife!" He said.

"Doctor please save my wife! Someone, please save my wife" Was what he kept screaming as he alighted from the car with Rahma in his arm as he approaches the hospital entrance. All attention was averted on him and his wife on his arm, she looked lifeless and he also seems to be in utter distraught.

Two nurses came rushing towards them with a stretcher and with their help she was conveyed into the hospital and was immediately rushed to the emergency ward where the doctor who attended to them further instructed her to be taken to the theatre.

Has the nurse was taking her to the theatre room. Tears slip down her cheeks has the hold on her husband loosen. Aliyu holds onto his wife's hand tightly not ready to let go. He didn't want to leave his wife alone in such a critical condition.

"Sir please" the nurse beseech sadly. " please let go of her hand " her voice held urgency. With one look at his wife he supplicates into his palm and rubs it on her body, tears stream down from his eyes and drop on the stretcher, his nose was running down and With a heavy heart full of pain and worried he let her go, while he watches as she disappears out of his sight.

He was required to sign the patient guardian consent form for the doctors to continue with their job. Minutes, after she was taken into the theatre his parents Alhaji Ibrahim and Hajiya Summaya, came in running towards him and an hour later Alhaji Muhammad and Hajiya Raliyah, Rahmah's parents came in to. Hajiya Summaya was crying profusely holding her son tightly to her bosom.

"It's going to be alright," Said Alhaji Muhammad with a heavy heart to the hearing of everyone trying to console his son-in-law who looked like he also needed a bed rest too, he looked at his wife afterwards who by a mere look, looks like the world has been turned around for her even when she tries to conceal the pain in her heart

Running to and fro outside the theatre room with the hope to see his wife health in good sound. He was sweating furiously, he could not sit nor stand for a minute without walking. Tears beamed out of his eyes with different images flooding through his mind.

"Aliyu please be patient and pray for her, Insha Allah she will be fine, crying won't solve it, Rahmat needs you to be strong for her, don't you want to see her immediately she's out of the theatre?" Hajiya Raliya his Mother-in-law asked sadly and he nodded his head.

"Then please sit down and pray for her." She said and motioned for him to sit beside her. He sat not knowing what exactly to think about, he prayed silently by her side.

Minute turn to an hour and yet no sign has been shown. He closes the Qur'an app he was reciting. His heart was bleeding in pain already, he became scared__ for he can't cope without his Rahma by his side.

At around 1:45 pm the doctor announced the death of Rahma Muhammad and her remains was covered in the hospital sheet, hence, the doctor left the theatre room first to make the revelation to the families of the deceased. Aliyu ran to the approaching doctor but and almost fell to his heels as he saw the expression on the doctor's face.

"Am sorry Mr Aliyu we did all we could to save your wife but it is with a sad heart I announce to you the death of your wife__" he was saying when Aliyu cut him off

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