Chapter 7

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Immediately the driver alight the car into the parking space of Aunty zulaiha mansion. They all came down from the car and was immediately welcome by two maid who came to help them with their trolley inside.

"Welcome ma," they both greeted.

"Thank you! Is Aunty home" Rahma asked.

"No ma, but she will be back soon," One of the maid reply and they all went inside.

"Oh my God!" Murjanatul exclaim before engulfing them into a hug. "I can't believe my eyes, you're all in Abuja today" She grin dramatically.

"Stop making it sound as if we've never been here before" Mardiya said.

"Whatever! Ya Rahma please come inside, you need to shower and come down for lunch, you must be tired from the road journey, especially that of your state own" She said.

"Basma, I think we should gently do the same and come down for lunch, since is only Ya Rahma that is welcome." Mardiya said jocularly.

"Of course, Amarya has to be treated like an egg for now you know" Murjanatu Added.

"Please you all should come inside" She said and lead them to her room.

"What about Aunty and Ya Zainab?" Basma asked.

"Oh they will be back soon, Ya Zainab went to make her hair while mum, I didn't know where she went to, though she asked us to prepare food and keep, that you're all on your way coming."

"I feel relax now, after shower" Rahma said immediately she came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her chest firmly."The road is one of the reason why I don't like travelling wallahi," Rahma complain.

"The road is terrible, especially to bida, that why anytime mum is going I always make excuse of having test" she scrunch up her face.

"Murja bida is fun oh" Mardiya said.

"Like you're free to go anywhere, have fun even in the night you can go out of the house without been question." Basma added.

"You guys should hurry up and shower fa I'm hungry" Rahma said to Mardiya who just stood up to enter bathroom.

30minute later, they were at the dinning table. Everyone eating their food peacefully as silent consumed them all. Zainab walk into the living and her eyes darted toward the dinning room, were she saw her cousins eating peacefully.

She practically ran toward them and engulfed Rahma into a crush bounding hug. "Amarya!" She exclaim."Mardiya, Basma! How are you both? It been long"

"Yes fa, ya zee! It been long. We are fine." Mardiya said.

"You better stop calling me that before I descend on you, and release me this minute before I choke on my food"Rahma warn jokingly.

"Babe, forget that, you know that shall be your name as for now. The latest Amarya of October" she tease.

"Yes fa, Ya zee tell her, maybe she need to hear that from you more often for her to believe it." Basma said.

We heard you went to make your hair" Rahma asked Zainab who was already eating from her plate.

"Yeah, before making the bridesmaid own you know" she said and wink at her before biting a piece of pepper chicken.

"We wanna make this wedding the best ever babe, I hope we already have a wedding planner" Zainab asked.

"Basma want to be the planner" Mardiya said.

"Oh that make more sense, I trust basma with that. Please make it extravagant we need to spend a lot of money that day" Zainab added.

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