Chapter 15

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After a lot of consoled and advice the bride was finally conveyed to Kaduna.

"We should start leaving now" Hadiza said.

"Start leaving to where? And leave who here?" Rahma asked.

"Of course to leave you," Aisha added.

"My flight is even this night so I better start leaving" Khadijah said.

"No one will leave me here, and by the way it's already night can't you all sleep and leave tomorrow" she pleaded.

"But your husband will need you girl, understand that maybe we will go and sleep in your in-law apartment then come bade you goodbye before leaving." Rukkaya suggested.

"Believe me I already told him you're all sleeping here, he should also find some where to sleep, At least we will also take our leave to Abuja tomorrow. So let make it a girls night" She said and make a puppy eyes.

"Uhm, okay fine, since you insisted, but I hope your husband will not eye us tomorrow" Zainab asked teasingly. Making everyone to laugh at her joke.

"So amarya what should we do this night?"

"Let just have fun please, at least let reminisce on the past and laugh it out for the last time."

"Girls who remember Mubarak? Our outing driver" Hadiza asked.

"Hadiza you're wicked fa, you even name him driver, because he was always at your service?"

"What did you expect, when he become like a glue on me"

"Ya Rahma we are going to sleep, we will be in the next" Basma inform.

"Okay sure, hope you've all eaten?"

"Yes we did just now, Good night.

"Okay Good night." She said and continue her chit chat with her friends.

~ ~ ~

The next morning, everyone was fully prepare to leave and cars were already outside the door.

The friends hug her one after the other, before exiting out of the room. Hadiza was the last that came and hug the life out of her, and they both didn't want to let go, it feel like they won't meet anytime soon again.

"Please take care of yourself Rahma, be your usual normal self, love and cherish him as much as you can, protect your new home and always be prayerful" She advise and tears slip out of her eyes.

"In Sha Allah! I will Hadiza, thank you so much for everything, my life, up to date was fun and lively because of you around and my sisters, I will forever be in touch with you, please you should also take care of yourself, and I want to hear the good news soon." She said and hug her again.

"You know I will be more please and ecstatic to hear the good news from you soon. Be gorgeous on bed" She said and wink.

"You will be the end of me now, oya come and start going" she said and couldn't hide her blush.

"Yeah! Our bride is blushing hard," she teased before walking out.

Mardiya and Basma walk into the room and from their eyes you could dictate how red their eyes were "have you both been crying again?" Rahma asked. "For goodness sake I will always be a mile away, you can come down to Abuja at anytime. You girls should stop making me feel like I'm leaving forever okay." She said but at the moment she couldn't stop the tears that came rushing out of eyes too.

They all cry on her shoulder and after a while, she was the one that still console them with a promise to visit after a month with her husband before he resume work.

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