Chapter 20

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As expected, Aliyu visitors arrive shortly before Friday prayer and Aliyu went to mosques together with Bashir leaving their wives behind to be ready before they return back from wedding Fatiha immediately after congregational prayer.

Zahra and Rahma were already getting along as if they've ever met each other before. They both feel free with each other, especially after knowing how close their husband's are.

"So how many month to go" Rahma asked going straight to the point, and Zahra place her hand at her protruding stomach and give a tight lips smile before replying.

"In four month to come In Sha Allah" She said and drank the fruit juice Rahma prepare specially for her due to her condition.

"Ma sha Allah! I can't wait to be a Momma" she giggle.

"Yeah right, I also can't wait to be one so hurry up, let get the damn good news" Zahra retort and Rahma couldn't help but blush.

"How does it feel please? Is it painful being pregnant? Tiring? Or perhaps scared of given birth?" She asked curiously.

"Rahma keep calm and I assure you by Allah's grace you will know the answer very soon. Or perhaps it even there" she said and Rahma gape at her in shocked.

"Oh please is not, don't even go there now come and have something in your belly for the baby let shower afterward and dress before they returns back." Rahma said waving the topic away.

"Don't worry dear, I ate junks on our way coming so let just wait for them to return first, we all eat together and go for the wedding." She said and Rahma nodded and took her to her personal room, letting her shower in there while she also went and do so in their matrimonial room she share with her husband.

Few minute later they were done and also said their prayer already. They descend to the parlour and met their husband's back from the wedding fatiha.

"Baby you're back already?" Rahma asked going to seat close to her husband while Zahra also did the same.

"Yes wifey! We came back and met the place empty, so we assume you're both still dressing up. And by the way you look good" Aliyu compliment, given her a peck at the cheek and Rahma blush, feeling shy at couples facing them. Not like they're even looking because they were also busy having their conversation.

"Can we have our lunch now? Since you're back uncle Bashir?"Rahma teased.

"Oh really! Zahra refuse to eat right?" He asked starring at his wife beautifully.

"Oh yeah! She want you to feed her only" Rahma added.

"Ahhh! Rahma when did I said that?" She asked smiling.

"Uhm! I won't talk again, now that his here I hope we can eat peacefully" she teased.

"Oh yeah! I hope yours don't turn out to be worst than my" she added and they all laugh while Rahma shyly hide her face on her husband open arms.

After a lot of tease they finally had their meal Suya jallof rice, which Rahma prepare earlier before they arrived. Immediately they finish Rahma pack the dirty plate and cups to the kitchen sink and Zahra came forward to help wash the dishes.

"Haba please Zahra let me handle it, you should rest please. You know you have had a long journey plus the bad road so please have a rest on behalf of my baby in there" she said and Zahra smile and sat down at the island waiting for her to be done.

"Baby can't you keep them till we come back we are late fa, and you know we are suppose to follow the groom to the house and greet before the conveyance." Aliyu said.

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