Chapter 2

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14 july, 2016( past)

Everywhere was decorated with chocolate and pitch, Music was booming all over the hall. At the far end was the bride and groom sitting comfortably on the decorated chair. The friends were all busy dancing on the floor while the bride was later drag by her friends to join them.

At the far corner where groom friends were seated was Aliyu. His eyes was directly fitted on a lady who was busy dancing with her friends, he haven't talk to her or even know her name but it was a love at first sight. He just secretly pray she's not taking yet as he couldn't take his eyes of her.

Hours later the music came to an end, the hall was almost empty, it was just left with the friends and the couples.

Aliyu use the opportunity and went to the bridesmaids side, after exchanging some pleasantry with them he went closer to Rahmat." Excuse me please, can I have a word with you? I promise it won't take much of your time" He assured, fishing his hand inside his pocket.

"Hope all is well?" Rahmat asked immediately they shifted to a quiet place.

"Yeah everything is well, and I'm sorry for interrupting your moment with friends."

"Is okay! I understand"she said swiftly

"I'm Aliyu Ibrahim, can I know yours please?"

"I'm Rahmat Muhammad" She reply.

"Nice meeting you Rahmat, I know a lot have approach you and have said this same word to you, but i most still repeat it that you're very beautiful and you took a special place already in my heart. Rahmat I like you, and I will like to have a relationship with you if it not to soon." Aliyu said calmly.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I'm sure you must be joking right? You can't just meet someone in a second and start liking the person, that so unusual you know." Rahmat said.

"Believe me Rahmat, I'm serious. Haven't you heard this word before 'love at first sight? From the very moment my eyes met yours I fall in love with you and I'm not joking or trying to fool you, have been watching you from a far"

"Ya Rahmat let go," she heard her name been called by her sister, Mardiyah.

"I have to go, please" she said trying to walk out on him, when he quickly hold her hand back.

"I'm not going to asked for much, but can you please give me your phone number so I can call you?" He requested pleadingly handing her his phone

Rahmat collected it and type her number before returning the phone back to him" here it is" she said.

"Thank you, very much Rahmat. I really appreciate your time" he said.

"You welcome" she reply.

"One more thing" He said pointing one of his finger.

Rahmat sighed exasperatedly "I hope you know my sisters are already inside the car waiting for me" she said.

"I know and I'm sorry, I just wanted to remind you about what I said earlier, please don't forget to think about it, Rahmat I love you" He said behind her as she walk quickly to the parking space.

After entering the car, they drove out of the hall building with her sisters, having some chitchat about what transpire in the dinner.

"Oh my God! Did you see the way the groom was shamelessly starring at his bride?" Basma asked.

"Babe forget about that, she's already his, she's now his halal. Why should he be shy again" Rahmat said droving into the house.

"I wonder oh, please tell her. That remind me, Ya Rahmat who was that guy you were talking to when I called you to let go?" Mardiyah asked.

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