Chapter 3

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Keeping his suitcase aside, he remove his jacket and hang it inside his closet. He adjusted the tie and loose it before finally laying on the bed. Peck of being a bank worker, just go to work as early has possible and come back 4pm to 6pm a day. No time for any other unnecessary thing to do.

But on the other bright side of the work, Aliyu enjoy it, it was forever his dream to be a banker, it was a passion he choose and a career he desire. Even though his dad has try to stop him from being a banker with a promise to look for a better job that pays even higher than this he refuse saying it was his dream to be one.

And since Mustapha also study business, it was easy for his father to hand over him one of his multi_company business in Kaduna. While zahra, their last born study entrepreneurship, at Kaduna state university presently in 300level. Since she was blessed with a lot of hand work she proceeded in having a certificate of an entrepreneur and having a job other than handwork she do is not her passion. She can bake different cake, make hair, do henna design, make up and also designing of clothes.

Aliyu remember he haven't called Rahmat ever since he collected her number, that was two days ago he quickly pick his phone from the nightstand and dial her number.

After three to four ring she pick the call "Assalamu'alakum!" her Serene voice echoed around his ear trying not to get carried away he reply her" Walakum' Salam!" He clear his voice before re introducing to her who he was. "This is Aliyu Ibrahim, the one that collected your number at legbo Kutigi conference hall minna, after dinner. I hope you remember " he asked swiftly praying silently she doesn't denied knowing him again because some ladies are found of doing that.

"Oh Aliyu! Yeah I remember. How are you" Rahmat asked.

He chuckle softly knowing she remember" I'm fine Alhamdullilah. What about you, how have you been? He asked calmly.

"I'm good too, just a bit stress out with a lot" She said massaging her neck.

"What that stressing my lady" he asked, emphasising the last part.

"And who is your lady" Rahmat asked, forgetting about the complain she was even laying.

"You of course, you know have been putting you into my five daily prayer, Almighty Allah should make you my future wife insha Allah." He said.

"Uhm, Aliyu you don't even know me yet, I mean we just met in a friend wedding and you're already proposing to me to be your wife? You don't even know my background likewise I don't know yet." She said over the phone.

"Believe me we can take each at a step, and I promise not to hide anything from you. About who you are? I believe you to be from a good background, I don't know you but my inner self already trust you. From the moment I saw you, I already know one day we shall make a future together, because anytime I'm alone, and close my eyes, your thought just full my mind and I wish to just call you but on the other hand I wanted to give you some time to think about us too." He said, making him self more relaxed on the bed.

"Aliyu, have heard all you said and insha Allah I promise to give you a feed back soon about my decision." She said over the phone.

"How soon could it take Rahmat? I'm not so good to live on cliffhanger I can't take a suspend, at least let me know the day you will decide" he beseech, his voice low and desperate.

Rahmat could feel it, she could feel how he sound and how truly he wanted her from all course, how he truly means every of his word, but she can't just fall easily, she can't just let him think she's also in love with him or perhaps has even a single feelings for him. But deep down her beneath soul she knows she's dying in, to have him, she knows from the moment she saw him she silently pray he come after her, could her feelings also be called love at first sight? just has he said or perhaps could they have been fated to meet there?

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