Chapter 19

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It been two days they fly back to Nigeria and everything has been normal. The couples have been the best thing you could ever imagine or wish for because their ego and pride wasn't enough to overpower their bond, and they let it go. Rahma and Aliyu are not the perfect couples but they're close to perfection, because they both apologized when wrong which make every couples perfect and have peace in there home.

Getting up from the bed, she wake her husband up as it was her normal routine to do so for fajr (early morning prayer) congregational prayer before he missed it and also went to the bathroom and have are ablution before laying her prayer mat and said her prayer. After she was done, she went into the kitchen and make breakfast for her husband before he return back since he usually stay longer after praying.

She prepare pancake with chocolate syrup and arrange it neatly on the dinning table and just on clue Aliyu return feeling hungry. He just directly went to the dinning table and wait for his wife return.

"Oh hubby you're back?" She asked, as she serve him and prepare a cup of tea for him.

"Yes babe! Was hungry already and the aroma wasn't helping either as it make my stomach grumble." He said and hungrily bite it pancake.

"Thank you babe, this is nice and delicious, especially with this syrup. You're a Darling." He complimented.

"And you're a sweetheart" she reply back and Aliyu feed her from his plate.

"Babe! hope you remember Bashir in Minna?" He asked.

"Yes, what about him?" She asked concern.

"They will be coming tomorrow, he and his wife, remember our friend wedding I told you about"

"Yeah this Friday right?"

"Yes. The guy is our friend and also the bride is Bashir, wife cousin sister." He explain.

"Oh that very nice, I wish them happy married life in advance and also I can't wait to have someone here with me at least for the few days." She said happily.

"I'm I not here?"

"Yes hubby you're here but having a visitor is something else and I can't wait. You know I love accommodating people." She said.

"I'm glad love, thank you so much."

"And that remind me, my cousins want to visit me today including Zain my male cousin, and I hope you don't mind or I can asked him not to come along with them" she said.

"No baby please don't stop anyone, I trust you so much and again you're already my wife. Why should you? when he his your brother? I will like to meet them too when I return back. You know I told you I will be going out later" He said and she nodded before given him a hug because is not every husband that will take it lightly having visitors around especially male visiting their wives.

"Mind letting me go shower? Or you wanna join"he smirked and Rahma nodded her head in a No gesture because she knows what that will lead to it in shower and it will only waste both of them time as it friends were already calling him while she also have cleaning and cooking to do before they arrived.

As soon as he left to the room, she clear the table and wash the dishes before sweeping everywhere and cleaning. Aliyu came out of the room looking so dashing at ever, with his sexy eyes that captivated our dear Rahma. He wore a navy blue short sleeve and faded jeans trouser which suited his body perfectly.

"How did I look baby?"he asked and wrapped his hand around her back.

"You look so gorgeous! my hubby. And I could also not help but to Starr at you in awe!" She exclaim.

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