Chapter 22

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After her trimester, things were back to normal for Rahma, and she could feel the little bundle growing up in her womb, that along give her a lot of joy and happiness even before she could feel it in her arms and linger bundles of kisses across her faces.

Rahma wake up and check the time and realise it was almost time for fajr prayer, she quickly wake her husband who was sleeping peaceful and urge him to get up and go to mosques. That was her normal routine to do and Aliyu couldn't help but always be proud of his wife.

She also stood and went to wake the girls in the guest room, before returning back and pray also. After she was done she fold the mat and return back to sleep, it has become one of her favorite thing to do and since It was weekend, which means her husband will spend his weekend together with her and their sisters, she didn't bother to wake up and run to kitchen like usual to make his breakfast.

Even after he came back from mosques, he didn't wake her rather he join her and they slept till after 10am when the girls were already up and done everything in the house including their breakfast ready. That alone will make them missed them terribly as they are all leaving tomorrow.

"Baby wake up, so you will have your breakfast" Aliyu said, given her a peak on her belly. As Rahma only put on a tank top and bum shot.

"Baby I will, just let me sleep more" she pleaded not opening her eyes.

"No just wake up, and eat first, I promise I will let you go back to sleep" He said.

And finally Rahma wake up and stretch her arms before sitting upright on bed.

"Baby I want you to brush my teeth" She said, her eyes already teary.

"Sure babe, should I take you to the bathroom or bring bowl here?" He asked gently because he don't want to experience the past drama they undergo when she wanted mango in the midnight. He could still remember vividly how his wife didn't let him sleep that night throughout with her cries. And just imagine, how will he get a mango at late hours of the night?

"Bathroom please" she said and tears were about to fall out of her eyes.

"Okay babe! Please don't cry, I'm here with you" he pleaded, and took her to the bathroom and brush her teeth and return her back to bed without complaining. Pregnant women ain't easy to deal with and Rahma own is even worst because she get emotional easily and cry at every little things she want.

After feeding each other breakfast on bed Aliyu took the tray back to the kitchen and only to return and met his wife far asleep again, he only nod his head and went out after taking his bath.

Girls were also busy having fun inside kitchen, with Nafisa making different cookies while Basma watch.

"I don't think I can ever bake by myself" Basma said.

"Why?" Nafisa asked surprisedly.

"I don't like stressing myself honestly, is only Ya Rahma that like baking, my is to just deal with fashion, spending my money on dresses, shoes, bag and so on." She confessed.

"And what if your husband love it? Won't you do it?"

"Like I said I can't, there many places they sell them, he can get one for himself you know" she said.

"Uhm, I don't think that a good idea, though we all have different opinion so I won't asked you to or not" Nafisa said.

"Hey what going on here?"Mardiya asked, walking into the spacious kitchen.

"Just having some chit chat you know, about random stuff and baking." Basma said.

"Oh Nafisa also bake like her sister in-law? That nice" Mardiya complimented.

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