Chapter 8

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They all stroll to the parking space with maid carrying their trolley to the car.

"We are going to miss you girls" Aunty zulaiha said.

"We will miss you too Aunty" they all said.

"Please take care of yourselves, and return back safely" Aunty zulaiha, said to her niece before wrapping them all into a hug.

"In Sha Allah! We will Aunty. We shall be back on Sunday, by Allah's will." Rahma assured.

"Okay dear, it just 40 minute remaining for your flight to take off. Now you have to hurry." She said opening the car door for them.

"Yes Aunty."

"Zainab, drive safely" she warn immediately zainab roar the car to life. Just in time before they could drive out of the mansion Aliyu drove in.

He came out of the car, clad in his navy blue suit and walk toward their Aunt.

"Good morning Aunty" he greeted bowing his head.

"Morning Aliyu, don't tell me you're here to pick your fiancee?" She asked teasingly.

"Exactly Aunty, I came to pick them myself, but since their already having escort, I will only drive my fiancee." He said and wink at Rahma.

Who was even surprise to see him, because he never mention he was coming even when they talk this morning. "Aliyu will not be the death of me."she thought.

"Madam what are you still doing inside my car when your protective husband is here to pick you himself ?" Zainab tease and earn a knock on her head.

"Why not just follow us behind with your car?" Rahma suggest trying not to smile at her sarcasm.

"Ahh Rahma, is that what to say? Won't you come out of that car and join him? Time is going fa" Aunty zulaiha said.

She could see how Aliyu was smiling sheepishly after hearing that. She came down from the car went to his.

"Aunty you're the best, I'm so indebted to you" he said gladly before they all finally drove out of the mansion.

"You're happy because you always got your way around Aunty right?" Rahma asked as he drive her while Zainab drive Mardiya, Basma and Murjanatul.

"Of course, you know she's already one of my favourite person in your house apart from Umma and Abba" he said.

"Awwwn she's our favorite Aunty too from Abba side. You know their four, Uncle Umar being the first born of their family, follow by Abba, then Uncle kasim and their last born Aunty Zulaiha." She explain while Aliyu listen carefully.

"And Umma side, they're just three like us. Umma is their last born, Aunty Nana is the first born but we all call her Mummy, and Aunty Habiba the second. She's Basma favorite because of her taste for fashion, she base in London with her family."

"I'm glad am getting to know your family better. So have you ever been to London?" He asked.

"Yeah, but just once, though Basma visit almost every holiday"

"Wow, that good." I shall tell you more about my family when you get back, In Sha Allah." He said before droving into the car park of the Airport.

They alight down and he quickly went and open Rahma side which make the girls giggle at their sight.

"Just five minute more and you're out of here" Aliyu said sadly.


"I will miss you!" He said.

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