Chapter 11

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As soon as the flight alighted down, passengers came down from the plane, and after receiving their loads. Basma was the first to sight their cousins and she pointed at them.

"Oh my Goodness! I never knew I miss you girls so much" Zainab grin immediately they approach them

"We miss you too girls" Rahma said hugging them back.

"How was the flight? We miss you all fa." Murja asked.

"It was fine dear, we miss you too."

"Now let get going, mum is waiting for you girls, and daddy is back too with Ya Zain." Zainab inform.

"Oh my Ya Zain, is back? Let go please" Mardiya exclaim and they went to the car.

As soon as they get home, Basma was the first to descend down from the car while the girls tail behind.

"Aunty we are back" they all chorus dramatically while aunty zulaiha came down from her room.

They all hug her happily. "We miss you Aunty, and we miss your hand made cook" Rahma said.

"Awwwn just tell me you only miss my cooking" she teased. And they laugh at that.

"Now you all should go upstairs and take a shower and pray before coming down for dinner." Aunty Zalaiha said.

"Yes Aunt" with that they all went to the room. Basma and Mardiya went to murja's room while Rahma went to Zainab room as usual.

After taking her shower, she change into boubou gown, before saying her prayer and making some supplication. She folded the prayer mat when she was done. And went to check if her sisters were still around.

She open the door and met the room empty, so she was sure there already at the dining room.

Getting there, the aroma of egusi was the first thing that get into her nose. Her stomach grumble and she quickly sat down while murja pass her a wrap of pounded yam.

She unwrap it into her plate and fetch the egusi soup that was beside her inside a bowl.

"God! it been long I ate this, walahi this is my best meal here so far" Rahma complimented.

"I don't think this will even be enough for me, please Murja pass me another wrap from there, let me put half of it." She said and cut half into her plate.

"Did you pound it?" Mardiya asked.

"Keh pound what? We use the machine my dear, and mum made the soup because of you people" Zainab said

"Wow that great" Basma complimented.

"Are my eyes deceiving me this evening or what? Who am I seeing here" he asked coming toward them at the dining.

"Ya Zain!" Mardiya and Basma, both called.

"Oh my girls, how are you" he asked, pinching their cheeks.

"We are good, we heard you're back" Mardiya said.

"Yeah I came back four days ago." He said, sitting beside Rahma who was still busy with her food.

"Miss foodie! Can you turn at least to notice my present?" He said jocularly.

"Walahi Zain stop calling me that or else my husband is going to kill you" she warn, trying hard to keep a straight face.

"Oh she just want to tell me she's getting married this week. That so bad you know

"While you better go and get marry too" Rahma retort.

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