Chapter 14

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The anticipated day as arrive. It was still early in the morning, not even fajr prayer was called yet, but everyone was already fully awake, ready to witness the bride traditional ritual bath. Rahma was given a seat which she sat on and as usually done by her tribe Nupe, water was pour on her head from a calabash three times, then her best friend was called upon to break the calabash into pieces, which Hadiza gladly do. A kettle was given to the bride to perform her ablution which she did before a prayer was done on her. Her cries were so deep and as a lot behind. She was finally his Mrs and only witnessing of the wedding fatiha remain for her to official according to her culture.

Only her knows exactly what she's feeling in her heart, perhaps it of good or bad, Allah knows. She cry because she's leaving her parent, she cry because this will be the only barren between her and her sisters, and she cry because she couldn't pinpoint what she feel in her heart.

"Zainab you girls should take her inside let her shower please" One of the old women that made the ritual bath said.

And she was forcedly drag out of the seat, her loud cried made everyone to join her. Basma and Mardiya couldn't also stop theirs as they hug her tightly making it more difficult to let her go.

Finally she was taken inside, and had her bath. Her eyes were red due to her cries. She was seated on the vanity stool, starring at her reflection in the mirror in her room, tears again stream down her cheeks, she felt like not even getting married again, she already felt the distance of her family from her. Putting her head down, she weep to her satisfaction, letting everything out since everyone wasn't in the room with her.

Sighing deeply she went back to the bathroom and wash her face before getting dress into atampa dress that was lying on her bed.

After she was done, she put on a matching veil and wore a flat shoes. Zainab and Hadiza walk into the room and took her out to greet her relatives.

They first enter the room her maternal grandma and her Aunties occupy. " Amarya!" Her grandma, Hajiya Salamatu teased.

Rahma only give a lip tight smile in return before her grandma continue.

"My grandchild! I'm happy to have witness today, it one of my wishes to see any of my grandchild getting married. May Allah bless your home Rahmatu, May you find peace and Harmony as you start your new phase of life today, May Almighty Allah guide you to the right path and may yours be among the best In Sha Allah. Be obedient to him, respect him even more than you could ever respect your parent, any rules he make in your home let it be so, and you shall find peace together. Don't argue with him no matter what the condition might be avoid it, Rahmatu arguing with your husband comes with a lot of anger." Her grandma said and patted her back has tears prickle down Rahma cheeks.

She was drag out of the room after greeting her aunties and taking advise from each. They went back to the room her friend occupy and another set of cloth was brought to her to change by Mardiya.

"How many clothes I'm I going to wear today for goodness sake? I haven't even get to sit down with this and you already want me to changed?" She asked folding her arms on her chest.

"Ya Rahma, I was only send to give you, and by the way you Still have a lot to wear today even before the wedding Fatiha and dinner. So just change and stop asking unless you want me to inform Aunty Zulaiha" Mardiya added and stiff her laughter.

"You dare not, give me" She collected the cloth and excuse herself to change.

"Few minute later she was out and everyone was awing at her. "This orange lace really fit your skin fa" Khadijah complimented.

"Yeah it surely do" The girls added.

"Thank you girls! I hope you've all taken your breakfast?" She asked.

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