French Holiday

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The cold wind fluttered through Louis' jacket like an evil snow entity trying to torture him. He wrapped his arms around his body tightly, attempting not show the shiver in his teeth as they walked up towards the door of the cabin.

"Fuck, it's worse than I thought out here." Stan said, rushing past Harry and helping Jay open the door as she carried grocery bags with her. Harry brushed his hand against Louis' before grabbing his backpack that they took to the city and following them inside. They had filled their now heavy bag with souvenirs for the boys, trying hard to "make each personal" or Harry had a fit.

But Louis found it endearing, especially as Harry had found a sunflower ceramic and put it in their cart, saying if Louis' was away he would remember him as such.

"A sunflower?" Louis had asked as he watched Harry cradle it as if the air itself could've broken the 50 cent ceramic.

"Yeah. Here comes the sun! do do do do!" He sang. "Remember?"

"Yeah... I remember."

Harry chatted with Stan as they sat the belongings on the dining table in their warm and comfortable room. Louis wanted to see what they were talking on about being the nosy bugger he was, but found himself only thinking one thought as the warm air hit is rosy cheeks.

Warm. Bed.

He flopped himself onto the big unmade pull out bed that was Stans and rolled himself into the blankets quickly. Soon Lottie and Felicity were rolling him over and over and tightening the sheets around him to him him a "snow burrito." while everyone else giggled and laughed as Louis struggled out of the tight wrapping they did.

He couldn't help but gaze as Lots and Fizzy ran to Harry to try and push him on the bed too, only for him to throw them over his shoulder and run with them like the dummy's that firefighters use to practice with around the room. He loved how easily Harry fit in with his family. It seemed effortless. It seemed right. It seemed as a perfect fit as Louis wouldve predicated it would've been.

In addition to him winning the family, this was one of the first times that Harry was able to spend time with Louis' best friend and him simultaneously, and he hadn't been completely sure of how it would go. Louis had done his work in telling Stan about how much he was getting on with Harry and so he couldn't blame the bit of jealousy Stan expressed to him, but he was hoping that this would help them both get to know each other more.

Louis was glad Harry was there, and considered himself lucky. He never would've expected this as the outcome when they had been released from their X Factor live tour and sent home for preparation for the move and time with their families. As they each packed their respective suitcases in silence that afternoon past, Harry had turned to Louis and told him he didn't want to be without him over the break with the sad puppy eyes that Louis found himself impossibly taken by. Louis knew the feeling all too well, as if an invisible string was tied around each of them not wanting to break. He held Harry close that night after the concert, feeling him toss and turn in his sleep at the next day where he'd be sleeping alone. He couldn't close his eyes (knowing he was being a bit dramatic in his ways since him and Harry were going to live together soon), but still seeing Harry upset made him want to patch it up immediately.

So Louis did what he knew how to.

He fixed it.

He called Ann and Jay while he was up that night (thankful for time changes), begging them to let Harry come on his annual family ski trip in France. He insisted they needed to stay together, to which Ann argued that she missed her son, but Louis pushed back in saying that they needed to do one more fun thing before their tour started and they lost their regular lives. Ann insisted again that if this was going to be their last days of "regular life" that she wanted to be with her son for them. It went on for a while, Louis shocked at himself for how much he pushed Ann even though she seemed annoyed. Louis somehow convinced her (all while Harry was asleep on his chest) that after the ski trip, Louis would come buy them all train tickets to London so they could search for a flat together and spend time as families. After some bribery with tight hugs and kisses Jay and Ann both agreed reluctantly, Ann insisting that she send money to Jay for the troubles. They got off the phone after that to discuss without Louis, and he curled up next to Harry knowing this wouldnt be the last night he would be happily smelling his citrusy hair and kissing his flushed skin from sleep.

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